- Chapter 15 ~ {Truthful, But Surely Impossible?} ~ Albus's POV -

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"The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution." — Albus Dumbledore


Scorpius was getting increasingly frustrated for not being able to figure out who the sandy haired boy was, and he started to remind me about how I'd felt when Dad delayed his answers to my Room of Requirement questions. Thankfully, a Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, and a Slytherin win, helped to cease Scorpius's annoyed grunts.

One morning during breakfast, Scorpius gave a nice suggestion.

"Maybe we should visit Hagrid-?" He said.

"Yeah! And we can ask him about Azkaban. I heard from my Dad that Hagrid had to go to Azkaban for a few months because of the Chamber of Secrets. We can ask him about the dementors, and things that could give us clues as to how Dolohov escaped." I replied.

"It's settled then. But we'll go after classes. That way Airana can come too."


As scheduled, we went down to Hagrid's after dinner. Airana knocked on the door loudly, and we heard footsteps approaching. The door then swung open, and Hagrid looked around.

"Who's there?" He said in his scruffy voice.

"It's us Hagrid!"

"Oh! Come on in then," He opened the door a bit wider, stepping inside so we could go in.

After some tea and a few broken teeth, the subject of Azkaban finally came up.

"Yeh, beats me how Dolohov got out of Azkaban." Hagrid said.

"Er- Speaking of Azkaban, how is it like there Hagrid? I heard from my Dad that you've been there before." I ask awkwardly.

"It's the worst place yeh could ever imagine." Hagrid said darkly. "Dementors makin' the whole place cold an' all.. The screamin' prisoners... terrible." He shuddered.

Me, Scorpius and Airana all glanced at each other with weary faces.

"So.. so it's supposed to be really hard to escape, right? Only Sirius Black escaped." Scorpius says.

"Yeh. Black and Crouch Jr. Crouch was a Death Eater, but he got out cause his Dad and Mum helped him, or else he couldn't have possibly." Hagrid said, nodding. "An' Sirius Black, I have no idea how he escaped. Good man, he was. Only person in Azkaban that should've escaped, and did, I reckon."

I gulped. So you could get out of Azkaban, as long as you got help.

I already knew this of course, seeing as Dolohov escaped.

But hearing that another Death Eater had escaped as well... it just made the weight of that knowledge sink in.

And I mean, really sink in.


The next day, the three of us, Airana, Me, and Scorpius, all went to our common room and researched for hours, about dementors.

"A Dementor is a gliding, wraithlike Dark creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest to inhabit the wizarding world. Dementors feed on human happiness and thus generate feelings of depression and despair in any person in close proximity to them. They can also consume a person's soul, leaving their victims in a permanent vegetative state, and thus are often referred to as 'soul-sucking fiends', rendering a person an 'empty-shell'." Airana read aloud.

"And it also says in this book that dementors are blind. Probably great too, for Dolohov. One of the ways that he escaped, most likely. If they could see, then it would be much harder to escape Azkaban." Scorpius said.

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