3- Does This Count As Cardio

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POV: Louis

"El?" I knocked, afraid to enter the dressing room. She opened the door quickly.

"Is it time to meet Harry now?" I looked her up and down. The top was light purple. The jeans were light blue. Her eyes were brown. All the things I couldn't see before.

"Uh, yes." I nodded, snapping out of my confused thoughts. I was still a little lost. Harry is a guy. My soulmate is a guy. I am not gay.

I know he is. I am not. But that's okay, there's such a thing as friendship soulmates. I was really hoping to find love but, I guess that's just not in the books for me. I mean, I love Eleanor. I really do but, I just can't help but feel guilty for holding her from her true soulmate.

I walked out of my dressing room with Eleanor, who was shaking, and spotted Harry talking to some girl.

"Harry! This is my girlfriend Eleanor." I walked over to him when the girl walked away. I kept my arm around her back as she started shaking more. I wanted to yell at her to honestly calm the fuck down but I didn't want to seem too rude in front of my soulmate. She had the classic look of a fan on her face. Seemingly about to burst into either tears or screams. I don't completely blame her though, Harry's music is amazing.

"Hi, Eleanor." He leaned over to hug her. She seemed like she was going to pass out.

I felt my phone buzz. The caller ID was my manager.

"Shit, I have to take this. One minute, love." I walked to the end of the hallway so I could have a private call.


"Louis, how did the interview go?"

"Good." I watched Eleanor and Harry talking. It was definitely strange. Eleanor looked so small next to him. Why is he so tall?



"I said, did you get my email?"

"Oh, yes I did. I'll be there tomorrow. Don't worry."

"No I sent you a new one, it was changed to today. You need to get here ASAP."

"What? I can't get there that soon."

"Well, you better try."

"Okay," I held my hand over the phone and called over to Eleanor, "El, we gotta go."

"One second, Lou." She shouted back and then she and Harry took a photo. He looked like he was forcing his smile.

"Can I just skip it?" I pleaded.

"No, Louis. You can't skip it. Just get here." Eleanor joined me and we walked out. I turned and gave Harry a small wave. I'll have to ask James for his contact information later.

I ended my call as we got into the car.

"Who was that?" Eleanor asked, leaning on my arm.

"We have to go to a party." I ignored her question.


"It's a release party for another guy. Same label as me. I have to go since the CEO will be there and if I don't I'll get in trouble with my manager." I said plainly and annoyed. I did not want to go, at all.

"Louis, I'm not dressed for some big shot party." She said with concern.

"You look fine. Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?" She looked at me with extreme worry, she doesn't like feeling under or overdressed. She yelled at me when I surprised her with dinner at a fancy restaurant and she was in jeans and a tee.

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