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The playlists of their "Album" are on my message wall. (Spotify, Amazon Music, and YouTube). Every song is a One Direction song that was written by Louis or Harry or both(and other members). Except for I Want To Write You A Song but I put it anyways.

This is a long chapter so... buckle up. :)

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Almost 1 year later

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Almost 1 year later

Harry and Louis walked on to set after James introduced them. They sat down keeping an appropriate friendly distance. Louis gave Harry a knowing smile as they were both handed microphones. It was a small panel with only about 200 people in the audience. They were there to give a track-by-track breakdown of the album they just released. And of course, James Corden was the interviewer, bringing it full circle.

"So, Harry, Louis," James nodded at both of the smiley boys, "You've just released an album together. And I'd like to take some of the credit since I did introduce you two." He let out a hearty laugh and gave a look to the boys because he already knew they were together. "And how crazy is it that you two released the album today, exactly one year after meeting on my show? Was that a coincidence?"

"No actually. We figured, it's a pretty special day and we wouldn't be here today if it didn't happen. So yes, James, thank you." Harry answered with a sarcastic roll of his eyes at James' beg for credit.

"Thought we'd cement the date by making it the release day, the 28th of September," Louis added.

"Makes sense. And I believe you two have another announcement before we begin the album breakdown, right?" James asked with a giddy voice and wide grin.

"Yes, yes we do actually." Louis smiled and looked at Harry who nodded encouragingly. They had previously discussed that Louis would be the one to say it since it's a bigger deal for him as it means he's no longer a straight man to the public. It's a double coming out for him. Harry didn't want to say it and be the one to steal that moment from Louis. "So, many fans have already picked up on this, and to be honest, we weren't the greatest at hiding it or being subtle. But the songs that I wrote on the album were written for one person. As were some of the songs Harry wrote. And the ones we wrote together."

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