2- All Men Suck Anyway

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POV: Harry

"I swear to god, Harry. You're an idiot. Seriously, fuck you." The man whose name I could barely remember walked out of the room, slamming my door and stomping down my stairs but not before flipping me off.

I groaned and rubbed my face in exhaustion. I didn't mean to do that. I'm just an idiot like... Steve? said. Or maybe it was Sam.

I rolled over and stared at the alarm clock. It wasn't set because I didn't need to be anywhere early today. I had an interview but that was way later. Right now it's 11 am and I'm simply not ready to be awake. Not after the night I had.

I rolled over again and buried my face in my pillow. This was not how I wanted to start my day and that was not how I wanted to end my night last night.

"Who was that?" I heard a thick Irish accent speak, opening my door without knocking first.

"Oh hi, Niall, of course, you can let yourself into my house," I said sarcastically, keeping my face on the pillow.

"You're the one who gave me a key." He said and I heard his footsteps approach the bed. "You should be up."

"I've got time." I turned over and sat up. Niall handed me a glass of water. I frowned. "What's this for?"

"Drinking." I stared at him waiting for a clearer answer. "After last night, I knew you'd be hungover."

"Shhhh," I pushed a finger to his lips, "We don't speak of last night."

"Yes, we do. Who was that guy? Is he the reason you disappeared last night?" He pulled my hand away from his face and pushed the cup into it.

"Maybe." I chugged the cool water.

"I don't like this new Harry." He motioned to my entire being.

"That's a little hurtful, Niall. Not gonna lie."

"All I'm saying is..." he grabbed the empty glass and put it on the side table, sitting down by my legs. "The old Harry was way more fun and he thought about the consequences to his actions. New Harry sucks. New Harry drinks too much and sleeps around. I don't like new Harry."


"Who was that guy though? Seemed like a total douche."

"I don't know. He was nice last night though. Guess the charm wore off with the liquor." I shrugged and got out of bed.

"What's his name?"

"Umm," I panicked. Niall isn't going to like the answer to that question. "...Scott?"

"So now you're not even learning their names?" He judged.

"What's the point? We both know it's a waste of time when there's no color."

"Seriously? You sound like a total dick right now, H."

"Then leave. I have to shower anyway."

"Fine. You're welcome for the water by the way." He walked out.

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