4- She's Not The Problem

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POV: Harry

"No. Shut up, Niall... my clothes are blue."

"Mate, what?"

"Blue! My clothes are blue. And white." I said excitedly.

"Harry, are you already drinking? You're making no sense."

"No!" I sighed with frustration. "Niall, I can see blue! I'm seeing colors!" There were a couple of seconds of silence on the other end.


"Are you joking?" He asked suspiciously.

"No, I'm not joking." I laughed.

"Oh my god, you lucky bastard! Haz, that's awesome! Congratulations!"

"Thanks," I said half-heartedly, knowing it was more complicated than just finding my soulmate. Especially since his girlfriend seems to think they're soulmates and that he's been seeing colors all along. Has Louis been seeing colors this whole time and I'm just messed up?

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"A boy."

"Well, that's good. Who is it?"

I hesitated. I know I can tell Niall anything but what if I'm actually messed up and there's something seriously wrong with me?

"Hazza!" Niall whined, "Who is it?"

"Uhm, y'know Louis Tomlinson?"

"No fucking way."

"Yes fucking way." I laughed and rolled my eyes at his slight overreaction.

"Wait, I thought he already saw colors?"

"I really don't know, Niall."

"Maybe your soulmate is someone else and you looked at him afterward and thought it was him."

"No, Niall, I know it's him. Everything was grey and the very first color I saw was the blue in his eyes. There's not even a chance that it was someone else."

"But how is that even possible if he already saw colors?"

"I don't know. I'm as confused as you, mate."

"So, he's your soulmate. But he's already seen colors?"

"According to his girlfriend, yes." I paused, "Maybe he's my soulmate but I'm just not his soulmate..."

"Harry, that's not possible. Or at least it's not supposed to be. Everyone knows that soulmates both only see color with each other. Your soulmate is your soulmate and you're linked. He can't just have a different soulmate."

"I know it doesn't make sense. I just don't know."

"What the fuck is going on?" He laughed in disbelief. "This doesn't make any sense. None."

"I don't know. I was excited too because he is so good-looking. And of course, he's extremely talented. I thought I hit the jackpot. Turns out I've been screwed over." He scoffed.

"I'm coming over. You sound like you need a hug."

"I'm not even home Niall. I'm on my way though."

"I'll let myself in."

"Niall-" He hung up. I sighed and stuffed my phone into my pocket. Making my way to the car, I thought about what happened. Is it possible that I'm the one making a mistake? Maybe I saw someone in the audience right before I looked at Louis.

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