17- Make A Little Conversation

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POV: Louis

"Louis! No! Stop, your nails are still drying!" Harry yelped, shielding his face in fear while laughing. "You're going to ruin them!"

"Then you'll just have to paint them again, love," I said with a cheeky smile as I held a pillow, ready to throw it at him. "If you hadn't said that, then we wouldn't be in this situation. I can't believe you'd say such a thing."

"All I said was that I thought my long hair looked stupid?!"

I threw the pillow at him, he knocked it away and it hit the floor.

"Your long hair was beautiful! As your boyfriend, I demand you bring it back. I want to see it in person, not just photos."


"Nope, we're not talking until you promise you'll grow it back out." I crossed my arms and faced the other way, choosing to give him the silent treatment. Obviously, I was being dramatic. But ever since I'd seen pictures of his long hair, all I've thought about is running my fingers through it while we cuddled or kissed.

"You're being ridiculous." He scoffed, plopping back down on the couch next to me.

"You know that this is dumb right?" He asked a few seconds later.

"Okay fine, you win, just talk to me again!" He begged, the pout on his face was adorable. I feared I would've cracked first if I looked at him for a moment longer.

I love you.

"You cracked way sooner than I thought you would." I smiled at him and leaned over for a kiss.

He laughed against my lips, "Alright, Tomlinson, I'll grow my hair out. But don't complain when it takes me extra long to get ready and stuff. Beauty takes effort."

"Not for you," I said. Knowing that we both blushed at that, I pressed our lips back together. Slowly, he leaned against the armrest so I was hovering slightly over him. One hand pushed against the couch to help keep my balance and the other snaked into his hair, twisting and twirling at the short curls. He had both hands cupping my cheeks.

I was getting... riled up, to put it lightly. And I wanted this but I wasn't sure I was ready. Our movements were becoming more desperate and hungry. I really do want this. But no, I'm not ready. I just didn't want to offend him. I didn't want him to think that I didn't want this ever. Because I do, just not yet. So, I separated from his lips by just a centimeter, breathing heavily. "Gemma."

He stopped very suddenly. "Well, that's a first." Harry started chuckling lightly.


"Never had a guy say my sister's name before." He laughed harder, throwing his head back.

"No, not like that!" I felt my cheeks burn, "I mean, Gemma's here."

"Right." He nodded, understanding what I meant. "Are you okay though?" He asked as I moved off of him and crossed my legs in front of me on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that Gemma's here so..."

"No, I know that, but you look really nervous. Are you sure you're alright?" He tilted his head with concern and I felt like no one's ever looked at me with so much care. So much worry.

I love you.

And the words are back. Who am I kidding? They never left. It's all I've thought about today.

"Lou?" He put a hand on my knee.

"Yeah, I'm okay... I think..."

"Wanna talk about it?" He scooted closer and pulled up his own legs to mirror the way I sat.

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