9- Falling For You -1/2

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Harry gets a two-parter too!

POV: Harry

"And yes, I let you use me from the day that we first met
But I'm not done yet
Falling for you, fool's gold
And I knew that you turned it on for everyone you've met
But I don't regret
Falling for you, fool's gold"

I returned to a speaking voice. "And then I was thinking we put a couple of "oh's" or something like this." I hummed the next few notes softly. I stared at him for a response but he seemed zoned out.

"Louis? Are you buffering? Say something mate." I chuckled nervously.

"Harry, that's beautiful. I love it. Do you have anything else yet?" He twisted to look at the rest of the lyrics on my phone.

"Uh, yeah, right there..." I pointed at a stanza on my phone, "that could be the first or second verse. I don't know. Obviously still working on it."

"This is great. We need to put this on the album." His words made me so happy. I was glad he said that. I tensed up when I noticed the way he was staring at my mouth. I dropped my smile and started talking.

"So, um. Yeah, I don't know. There's that song. We can work on it or whatever."

As we were working on the lyrics, he interrupted.

"Harry, this song is really sad, and um... Anyone who doesn't love you back is a little bit stupid." I wanted to scream at him. He's an idiot. The song is about him. He's so stupid. How can he say something like that and not expect me to explode right then and there? I gave him a gentle smile, not knowing how to respond to that.

Over the past two weeks, I've dug myself a hole. I've completely fallen for him. I'm such an idiot. Falling for a straight guy, way to go, Harry.

And then there's stupid Eleawhore. I can't stand it when she's around. Everything is great, then she shows up and my whole day is ruined.

"Can I ask you something?" I put my paper down about an hour later and turned to face him. I awkwardly leaned back, trying to seem casual.

"Uh, sure." He leaned back as well.

"So, um, are you able to see colors yet?" I bit my lip and leaned my elbows on my knees. I was extremely fidgety. I didn't know how to sit. I was all over the place.

"Uh... Yeah, yes. I am able to see colors, yep."

"With Eleanor right? That's nice." I didn't look at him, instead, I just picked up my paper again.

"Are you?" Why did I ask?! If I tell him that I can he's going to want to know who. Oh no.

"No, not yet." I glanced at him but quickly went back to writing.

"Oh, you aren't?" I gave a small nod and we continued with the session like the conversation hadn't happened.

I looked up and Louis looked pale and sickly. I immediately dropped what I was doing and scooched towards him.

"Lou? Are you alright? You look like you're going to faint?" I placed a hand on his forehead but he didn't feel feverish at all. "Do you want some water? You don't feel warm. Do you need to lie down? I can-"

"I- I'm fine, Harry." He stood up, gently pushing me out of the way.

"Are you sure? You seriously don't look well."

"Aren't you a charmer," He chuckled and walked towards the kitchen, I followed him with concern.

"Seriously, Lou. Are you good?" He started pouring a glass of water and ignored me as he drank it.

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