15- Baby Boyfriends

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POV: Louis

"Okay, dinner is served." Harry placed a plate of spaghetti in front of me and one in front of Gemma, who I must say, is a total blast. He then turned and grabbed a plate for himself, sitting down next to me. To which Gemma let out a small snort.

We ate and Gemma made quite a few jokes that Harry hated but I couldn't stop laughing. She was just embarrassing her little brother. I found it adorable and really wholesome. Harry looked like he wanted to kill her.

"So Louis, you're an artist too, right?"

"Yes. Yes, I am. Though I must say, Harry's music is much better."

"That's a lie," Harry said, taking another bite.

"Yeah, doubtful." Gemma laughed and Harry kicked her under the table.

"It's true. His music is so good. We've been working together on an album, which I guess he didn't tell you about but, he's so talented."

"Lou, you are so ridiculously talented it's unbelievable," Harry argued.

"No, no. You are ten million times better, love." I patted his arm confidently.

"Babe, you're kidding... I love your music way more. It's so much more-"

"Absolutely not. I won't have you talk shit about my boyfriend's music." I dramatically put my fork on the table.

"Well, then I won't have you talk shit about my boyfriend's music. No way."

"Ugh, get a room," Gemma said as I was about to say something else.

"You're the one who interrupted our date." Harry shot a glare at his sister.

"Maybe if you told me you had a boyfriend I would've been more cautious about coming over."

"It just happened today so piss off," Harry admitted, turning slightly red.

"Aww, baby boyfriends." Gemma giggled, returning to her meal.

"We're not ba-" He started to argue loudly.

I interrupted Harry by placing a kiss on his cheek quickly. He turned bright red and shied back to his own food.

"We're not baby boyfriends." He mumbled under his breath, taking another bite of his spaghetti.

Several hours later, Gemma and I were a little tipsy and laughing about some story she'd told. Harry, however, had barely had anything to drink and was pouting in embarrassment, watching with a glare pointed towards Gemma.

"It's getting late, I'm sure you're tired from traveling Gemma. Why don't we get you settled in the guest bed?" Harry stood up, speaking through a gritted smile.

"Lighten up, Hazza, it's my job to embarrass you." She ruffled his hair, standing on her tiptoes to do so. He swatted her hand away and I stifled a tiny laugh.

"Yeah, Hazza! Lighten up, baby!" I stood up, wobbly, and walked over to mimic Gemma's ruffling. He didn't swat my hand away, only face-palmed and sighed.

"I shouldn't have let you guys open up the liquor cabinet."

We both laughed loudly and then suddenly he was pulling both of our wrists towards the stairs.

"Hey!" I complained while Gemma just giggled.

"What?" He glared.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To the other guest room."


"Because it's not safe for you to go home like this. You're drunk."

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