18- Wet Street Urchin

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A/N: The last chapter glitched out and only showed half the chapter for a few hours but it's fixed now. So go double-check that you read the rest of the chapter bc it's important.

POV: Harry

As Louis spooned me, I felt peaceful. Had I not had so many butterflies in my stomach, I would've fallen asleep so fast in his arms. Unfortunately, I was extremely restless. Comfortable, but restless, my heartbeat was too fast to let me sleep.

It was only twenty minutes of spooning later when my world stopped.

"I love you." Louis tiredly mumbled out, sounding more than half asleep. I froze, my breathing hitched.

Did he just-

"What?" I whispered, not sure if I heard him right. There was no answer. "Louis, what?" I said more frantically, thinking he was ignoring my panic. "Loubear? What did you say?" I was speaking at a normal volume now.

Finally, I pulled myself out of his grip and rolled over to face him. He was asleep.

"Louis," I let my voice calm before speaking again. I shook him lightly. "Lou? Lou, wake up."

His eyes fluttered open and upon seeing me, he smiled tiredly. "Hey Haz, what's up?"

I sat up slightly. "Lou. You just- you..."

"What?" He frowned, sitting up as well. Sleep was on his face.

"Louis you said you... you said you loved me?" I whispered. His eyes widened in a state of panic.

"Oh my god. Fuck. I'm so sorry Hazza. Please don't freak out. Please. I was tired. It must've slipped out." He started rambling apologetically.

"You're sorry?" I felt hurt. Why is he sorry?

"I didn't mean-"

"You didn't mean it?" Oh.

"No! I meant it. I just didn't mean to say it yet." He groaned frustratedly into his hands.

"You love me?"

"Yes Harry, stop asking cryptic questions like that. You're making me freak out more." He complained, moving his hands to fist at his hair in frustration.

"You... love me?" I asked again. Unable to comprehend.

"Of course I do. It's literally been eating at me since last night Haz. It just keeps repeating itself in my head and I guess I was thinking it and I was so tired that it just slipped out."

I quickly crushed our lips together, one way of reassuring him as he was clearly growing more and more nervous.

"You don't have to... say it back. Y'know?" He started once we'd separated. "I don't want you to think you have to say it just because I said it. Only when you're ready. I mean, if you ever are ready. Not that you have to love me at any point. It would be nice though. But no pressure. I know it's really really early in the relationship and like-"

"I love you," I said, smiling at his immediate but nervous grin.

"Yeah?" He bit his lip anxiously.

"Yeah." I nodded casually, smiling softly.

"I love you." He said again a little louder.

"I love you." I smiled wider.

"I love you!" He repeated, almost shouting at this point, making me laugh.

"I love you too but you're being very loud and Gemma is a light sleeper." I laughed quieter this time.

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