7- But I'm Not Done Yet -1/2

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Fair warning, there's some Het/Elounor in this chapter, sorry.

POV: Louis

It's been two weeks since Harry and I had that drunken songwriting session. I wasn't blackout drunk but my memory was fuzzy after the failed attempt at a bug race. What the fuck is a bug race? Why did I do that? I'm so dumb.

Anyway, two weeks. A quick description of the past two weeks;

Harry and I have hung out every day. I met his mate, Niall, who is great. I'd introduced him to Liam. He's hung out with Eleanor a few times but I don't think he likes her very much. The songwriting had gone so well that we decided to produce an entire album together. The collab was approved by both of our teams and a contract was worked out by our managers and labels considering we're under two different labels.

Neither of us has mentioned colors. I'd expected him to bring it up but he didn't. I didn't bring it up because, much to Liam's disapproval, I still haven't told Eleanor.

But I don't want to talk about that right now. Besides, Eleanor is leaving to go visit her family this weekend. I'm dropping her off at the airport later and then Harry is coming over to work on the album.

Right now, however, Eleanor is trying to get me... in the mood and... it's not working.

"Lou, I'm going to be gone for three days. I'm just trying to give you a little goodbye gift." She whined, which wasn't helping the situation at all, and grabbed both of my hands with hers.

"You don't have to do that. I'm fine. Three days is nothing, El." I tried to sound like I was sincerely going to miss her but part of me was actually glad she was going away for a bit, even if it's only three days. That's normal, right? To want a break from your girlfriend and to not really miss her? That doesn't make me a bad person... right?

She pulled me from my thoughts as she leaned in to kiss me. Without thinking I dropped her hands and stood up from the edge of the bed where we sat.

"Hey, where are you going?" She called after me but I was already out of the room.

"I'm just... just getting some water, babe. I'll be right back." I shouted back. I made it the longest water break in the world, stalling for as long as I could. Eventually, I had to go back in.

"Sorry about that, just got thirsty. So, um-" I walked into the room and froze. She had gone ahead and stripped herself down.

"Come on, Lou. Looks like you need to catch up." She walked over "seductively" and pulled my shirt off. I just let her do it, feeling a little too lost in my thoughts to realize that she was already unzipping my jeans and guiding me to the bed.

Before I knew it, I was sitting on the side of the bed while she kissed all over me. She tried a couple of different things for about twenty minutes but I failed to get any sort of turned on.

"For fuck's sake Lou, it's been months! What the hell?!" She gave up, throwing her hands in the air and then angrily putting her clothes back on. "Am I just not doing it for you anymore? Are you cheating on me or something? Are you gay or some shit?"

"What?! No! I'm not gay Eleanor!" I'm not.

"So am I just not sexy anymore? You don't find me attractive? Do you not love me anymore?"

"No! No, not at all. It's not like that. I just... I haven't felt very... horny lately, I guess?" I shrugged uncomfortably and started getting dressed too.

"Jesus Christ Louis. What do you mean you haven't been horny? You're a man in your twenties, surely you're horny. Don't fucking lie to me! Tell me the truth, are you cheating on me?" She crossed her arms and stared into my eyes, trying to read into me.

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