13- I Don't Like Rule Five

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POV: Louis

Leaving Harry's place, I felt like I was on cloud nine. I swear I've never felt this way before. Ever. I feel so alive.

That was until I got a call from John as soon as I got back in the car.

"Um, hello?"

"Louis, what the hell? You can't tweet something like that without checking with us first!"

"Jeez, I didn't think it was that big of an issue." I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me.

"It is a big deal. There's speculation that you're dating Harry Styles now. There have been a few theories for the past two weeks, ever since the interview but now it's off the charts. 'Larry Stylinson' is trending. You-"

"Larry Stylinson?"

"Yes, a ship name that they apparently came up with. I personally think Houis would've sounded b- never mind. The point is, it's not good. We need to shut rumors like these down, asap. People think you're gay-"

"What if I am?" I interrupted again, confident at first but shying at the silence I was greeted with. Then there was a tired sigh from the other end.

"Are you and Mr. Styles actually dating?"

"No, we haven't talked about it. But I mean, we went on a date this morning. And so what? Am I not allowed to be gay?"

"It's not that. I said we need to shut down the gay rumors immediately because I thought they were just rumors. If they're true, we can work around it and figure something out so you don't lose half of your fanbase."

"It is true." I began, feeling the need to defend myself even though his tone was more annoyed than anything. "And if they won't support me because I'm gay then they aren't my fans at all."

"I get that but we can't have your sales dropping. We need to go about this delicately. I'll get in touch with Harry's people right away and we'll set up a meeting. We'll have to sort out how this will all go down if you wish to go public or anything. This'll be messy but at least an album released by two already famous boyfriends is sure to get a lot of attention and sales."

"We're not boyfriends yet. We- we haven't discussed it." As if on cue, my phone buzzed to let me know I was receiving another call; Harry. I declined, knowing that I couldn't risk further pissing off John.

"Well, Louis? I highly suggest you 'discuss' it before the meeting. I'll let you know when it is as soon as I hear back from Harry's manager."


"Next time you break up with someone, tell me before you tweet it out." He sighed and then hung up.

I know I should be thinking about a lot of what he just said but the main thing going through my head right now was his last sentence. Next time you break up with someone...

I don't think there will be a "next time."

I called Harry back after taking a few steadying breaths.

The Next Day

I knocked on Harry's door nervously. I was desperately trying not to freak out. At least yesterday I knew what was happening. I planned the date. Today, he did. I am completely clueless and completely terrified.

"One minute!" I heard a muffled shout and his voice helped relieve some of my anxiety.

"You got this Louis. You did fine yesterday. You'll do even better today." I whispered to myself, picking at the flowers in my hand. "Oh god, I shouldn't have brought flowers. Is this ridiculous? Oh my god."

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