16- Chapstick

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POV: Harry

"This is stupid, I should just leave. Fuck." I whispered to myself, standing on Louis' front step. Suddenly the door opened, giving me no time to run away in embarrassment. A man carrying a few boxes walked past me to the moving truck that I hadn't even noticed.

"Harry?" I turned around to see Louis standing in the doorway, drying off his hair. He clearly just showered.

"Hey, you, um... you forgot your... this is stupid... you forgot your chapstick." I held out the tiny tube towards him.

"Oh, thanks." He laughed a little and moved to the side, "Wanna come in?"

"Oh, I don't want to be a bother. I'm sure you'd like a break from me." I chuckled nervously, "Don't want you to get tired of my ugly mug."

"Harry, you're beautiful. Don't even joke about that. And you're not being a bother, I know you want to come in. I can tell because I didn't bring any chapstick to your house. That's not mine, you just wanted an excuse to see me." He grabbed the chapstick from me as I walked in and stuffed it into my pocket, his hand coming very close to a certain area.

"Y- you caught me." I laughed awkwardly. "Sorry."

"It's okay. I wanted to see you too." He kissed me on the cheek and pushed a strand of my hair back.

"Why do you always do that?" I asked, frowning.

"Do what?"

"Miss," I stated.

"Miss? What do you mean miss?"

"Missed my lips." I tried not to smile as he clearly blushed.

"I don't know. New to this, I guess?"

"Try again."

"What?" He glanced up at me for a second, seemingly shocked by my proposition.

"Try again and don't miss this time."

Louis stepped a tiny bit closer, eliminating the space between us, and slid his hands into my hair. He stared into my eyes until his closed and he leaned in, combing at my hair as our lips met. I put my hands on either side of his waist. I curled my fingers into the fabric of his t-shirt and suddenly felt too warm to still be wearing my coat.

"Better?" He asked, somewhat shyly, and he pulled just his lips away, his forehead lingering on mine, hands still entangled in my hair.


"Louis, where's that decorative plate I got from the market a few years ago?" Eleanor's voice neared and Louis wasted no time restoring the distance between us. "Oh, I didn't realize Harry was here." She stopped in the entryway of the room.

"Sorry, I was returning Lou's chapstick." I quickly pulled the plastic tube back out of my pocket and handed it to Louis. "I'll go now."

"You don't have to." Louis grabbed my arm as I began to turn away.

I tried to convey how awkward this was by staring at Louis but his eyes argued back while we stared each other down. His blue eyes begged me to stay and fuck, I just couldn't say no.

"I hate to interrupt but do you know where the plate is Louis?"

Louis rolled his eyes and faced Eleanor, "No El, I don't. It's your plate."

"We bought it together dipshit."

"Correction: we were together when you bought it. I did not want it. At all."

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