5- Like A Light

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POV: Louis

I was surprised I ever got to sleep last night. The alcohol probably helped but I thought I'd be up all night thinking about how I just met my soulmate.

I rolled over and my arm fell onto someone's back. I panicked for a second, forgetting that I had a girlfriend. A girlfriend who I'm going to have to tell the truth eventually.

My head spun, thoughts all over the place. I had a few that really stuck out.

1) Harry freaking Styles is my soulmate.

2) Is Zayn Malik a ninja? How did he just disappear last night? Also, he's into guys I guess. That's interesting.

3) I have to come clean to Eleanor.

I really didn't feel like dealing with any of those things. Specifically, Eleanor. I looked over at her. Her face was squished against the pillow and I almost laughed at the pool of drool.

"El?" I shook her lightly, avoiding the saliva. She let out a very grumpy groan to let me know she was awake.

"I'm going to Liam's," I said, getting out of bed.

"m'kay." She mumbled, obviously still half asleep.

I got dressed, staring at my closet of colors.

"Wow," I whispered to myself. "So many colors."

I could barely recognize some of the clothes I wear all the time. They looked so different in black and white. I picked out a light green t-shirt and some black joggers. Nothing too fashionable, I'm just going to Liam's house.

I knocked on his front door and waited patiently. I probably should've texted him or called or something. Too late now.

"Louis? What are you doing here?" He frowned in confusion.


"Uncle Lou!!!" I was suddenly bombarded by a running four-year-old.

"Oof. Hey Bear." I let out a small groan as he crushed into me with a hug. I picked him up. "Can I come in or are we just going to stand here?" I smiled at Liam. He stepped to the side and closed the door behind me as I walked in with Bear still in my arms.

"Want something to drink? I was just about to get some juice for Bear." Liam said as I put his son down.

"I'm alright. No thanks." I said as Bear pulled me over to his coloring page.

"Look, Uncle Lou! It's a doggy."

"Yeah, that's sick Bear!" I gave him a high-five and Liam walked back in with a clear sippy cup in his hands. He put it down in front of Bear. The juice was orange. It still blows my mind that I can see colors now. I haven't even told anyone yet.

"It's orange," I said, still staring at the cup. Liam froze and stared at me. I looked at him and slowly smiled.

"What?" He asked.

"The juice is orange."

"You can see it?" He asked wearily. I nodded, grinning widely.

"I found him, Liam. I did. My soulmate."

"Tommo! That's amazing! When?"

"Last night, at the interview."

"Wait, you said 'him'?" He frowned.

"Yeah. It's um, it's Harry Styles." I said, picking up a purple crayon and helping Bear color a picture of a butterfly.

"Oh my god. Harry Styles?!"

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