12- Really Good, Kinda Hot, Pretty Cool

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POV: Harry

We went to his house to work on the album and I felt like I was going to explode.

I just went on a date with Louis Tomlinson.

Oh my god.

We worked for a few hours, stealing looks and maybe a few pecks. I kissed him before he left and immediately sunk to the floor against the door like a cheesy rom-com. That's how I felt right now. Like I am living a movie. I missed him as soon as he left. I texted Niall, hoping he'd snap me out of my lovesick state.

"Louis just dropped me off at home after our date. -H"

"Is it too soon to call him? -H"

"1- Awwwww and 2- When did he leave?"

"Thirty seconds ago haha. -H"

"Yeah, it's a little too soon the call him Haz. Unless you really want to. It's up to you mate."

"Niall, everything is so perfect. I feel like I'm flying. -H"

"I'm really happy for you Harold but I gtg. I'm kind of in a meeting rn."

"Oops, sorry. -H"

I bit my cheek, still debating on whether or not to call him. I really wanted to. I decided to go ahead and call him but I got sent to voicemail after the first ring.

"Oh," I frowned to myself, standing up and walking towards my living room. I tried to put on the t.v. as a distraction but I was a little confused right now.

Does he really not want to talk to me? I thought the date went well. I thought everything was perfect.

About five minutes later, I got a phone call from Louis. Thank god because I might've driven myself crazy.


"Hey, Haz. I am so sorry for not picking up before."

"It's only been five minutes. You don't have to freak out." I laughed although I know I was the one freaking out. There was a brief pause before he continued.

"I got a call from my manager literally as we were pulling away from your house."

"Oh," I said, the tone of my voice obviously concerned.

"Yeah... he's just a little upset about my tweet. He said that people have already been suspecting something was off and that you were part of the reason because apparently, we had an obvious connection during the interview. Which, I guess makes sense considering we're literally soulmates." He chuckled, "But um, he wants us to meet with both of our managers present or whatever. Just stupid legalities and non-disclosures probably. I don't know. He said they'll set it up through the companies and stuff but I'd rather tell you first."

"I'm not really surprised." I sighed.

"Me neither," He replied shakily.

"Are you alright Lou?"

"Yeah, I'm- I'm fine, just a little nervous. Not to spill my guts but, I don't want them to get into something so perfect and ruin it. And yes I just called this perfect because that's how I feel. Deal with it." He huffed the last part.

"I think it's perfect too."

"I think... I think you're perfect." I knew I was blushing but I didn't care. No one else was there to see.

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