11- A Good Different

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POV: Louis

It felt right. The kiss. I couldn't help but let out a tiny laugh after we pulled apart.

"What?" Harry frowned at my giggle.

"I don't know. I'm just a little... giddy?" I shrugged. "Hazza, I've never felt this way before. Ever."

"Yeah, me neither." He smiled. I pecked him on the lips one more time before grabbing his hands and looking into his eyes.

"So, two things," I started, "One, Harry Styles, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe." He smirked, feigning a rejection. But I knew, after everything we'd just talked about, he'd say yes.

"C'mon... don't play with me like that, mate."

"Sure. Why not?" He said trying to hide his excitement and act casual. "When and where?"

"Tomorrow morning. I'll pick you up at eight." I grinned victoriously.

"You never wake up that early." He told me. I was a little shocked that he knew that about me but I've stayed over at his house several times so I guess he would know. And he's stayed over mine as well.

"It's a breakfast date. So I will. I promise."

"Alright. What was two?"

"Right, um." I tensed up slightly. "What happened with Zayn Malik?"

I could tell he immediately got anxious at the name.

"Sorry. Liam said you were upset when you left earlier and then Zayn said it was because of him. He didn't tell us why though. I don't want to push you but I want to know and I want to be there for you."

"I, um, we... uhh..." He obviously has a hard time talking about whatever happened. He tightened his grip on my hands. "We used to date. It was a few years ago. I don't like to talk about it. It was really fucked up."

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm just curious. And a little concerned. He doesn't seem like a great person."

"He's not. What was he even doing at your house? I didn't know you knew him."

"Yeah, he hit on me at a party and he was coming by to apologize for it. I haven't talked to him since the party but he's under the same label so he managed to track me down."

"Zayn? Apologizing? I doubt it." He scoffed.

"No, it felt like more of a flirt than an apology." Harry frowned at that and I felt the need to reassure him. "But I like someone else anyway." He smiled and I leaned in for another kiss. Getting lost on his lips again. Pulling away, I whispered, "If you ever want to talk about it, I'm all ears."


"I'm going to go now. I have a date in the morning. Gotta get my beauty sleep." I winked, standing up and separating from him.

"You don't need it." He said as we walked to the door. I felt myself blush. What am I, a teenager again?

"Neither do you but it's late and I want to make sure everything is perfect tomorrow." I turned around at the door and gave him a quick kiss. His smile widened and I honestly felt so warm.

As I closed the front door behind me, I made a praying motion toward the sky, "Thank you, god!" I whisper-yelled.

As soon as I got home, I took out my phone and went to Twitter. I composed a long tweet which ended up being far too long and had to be a screenshot instead.

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