19- Forever and Always

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POV: Louis

So I woke up next to Harry with a boner. Great. Embarrassed, I decided to run away and deal with it in the shower. So that's what I did. You know the rest.

After getting dressed in the clothes Harry had laid out for me, I grabbed my phone and met him downstairs.

"Ready to go?" I asked, accidentally scaring him since he apparently didn't hear me coming.

"Oh god- you scared me, Lou." He laughed lightly. He frowned at me for a second, "Where's all the stuff you came with?"

"I... well... I just..." I began mumbling anxiously. Maybe I was being dumb. "I just kinda figured I'd come back here afterward. Is that alright?"

Harry's frown quickly turned into a wide smile. "Definitely. Maybe you should just move in already." He laughed and then threw a hand over his mouth.

"Not yet," I answered with a smile as we started towards the door. When Harry made his joke in the bathroom about me living here, I had panicked for a moment. The idea was new to me. I mean, I lived with Eleanor but we didn't move in together until we'd already dated for three years. Yes, that's a long time before moving in but my heart wasn't in it... or with it.

Somehow, I managed my nerves enough to think rationally and, yeah, I did want to live with Harry. I wanted to do everything with Harry. But I know we've been moving quickly and I'd hate to cause any more episodes like the other day by actually suggesting we live together. That can wait. I mean, I accidentally told him I love him last night and the contemplative, shocked look on his face was terrifying enough. One day though, I am going to live with Harry. In fact, I'm pretty sure one day I'll marry him. We'll see. He is my soulmate after all.

"Do you want to get some breakfast first?" Harry asked as we climbed into the back seat of the car.

"Not all that hungry. Could go for coffee though." I smiled and let out a tiny yawn.


"Definitely." I nodded.

"You can sleep until we get there if you want. Come here." He motioned for me to move from the right side seat to the middle seat. I did so and buckled back up. He moved for me to rest my head on him. Smiling to myself, I did just that.

"Thanks, Haz."

I woke up without a boner this time. Thank god. Harry was lightly nudging me awake as the car stopped in a Starbucks drive-thru.

"What do you want?" Harry asked.

"Um, dunno." I shrugged and mumbled tiredly. "Surprise me."

To no one's surprise, we were spotted walking into the office building. So that would most likely be the first topic of conversation when the meeting starts.

We walked into the conference room to a large oval table. There were packets of papers and folders spread across the table in front of every other seat. The room was otherwise vacant.

"Typical." I snorted.

"What?" Harry asked curiously as we walked further into the room.

"Typical of John to set an early meeting and be late to it," I complained.

"We're a bit early Lou." He laughed.

"Early?! I'm never early!"

"Now you are." He says down at one of the long sides of the table. I followed.

There was a set of papers in front of him but the chairs on either side of him had nothing there. So I grabbed the folder from one chair away and moved it, sitting down next to him.

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