8- But I'm Not Done Yet -2/2

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POV: Louis

"Fuck, I want you," Harry whispered near my lips, sending a shiver down my spine. I pressed him against the wall, placing a kiss on his neck. And then another. I kissed anywhere I could reach.

"Lou..." he gaped, as I sucked a mark in the crook of his neck. "I want you bad. Now." He begged through heavy breathing and I stopped his whining by pressing our lips together again.

His breath was warm on my lips as I spoke, "I want you too, Haz." I felt him take a deep breath and push back into another kiss.

I pulled out of it and started to undress him. I took off his floral shirt and threw it god knows where. I ran my fingers over his chest, slowly, making him tense up. I placed tender kisses all over him as his hands found their way to my hair. I straightened up and brought my lips back to his jawline, biting lightly. Without looking down, I unzipped his jeans, slowly and carefully. I reached my hand in-

Of all the surprises that yesterday sent my way, I wasn't expecting to wake up with a boner from a sex dream about my platonic soulmate today.

"Louis?" I heard Liam's voice echoing through the house.

"Shit," I whispered as I scrambled to cover myself with my blanket. Please don't come in here.

"Lou? Are you here?" His voice was louder and closer now.

"Yeah, I'm in here," I shouted, regretfully. He knocked on the door.

"Are you decent?"

"Uh, yeah. Come in." He walked in and sat down on the side of my bed. I sat up, leaning on the headboard, making sure to keep my lower half very covered.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. I was about to go... take a shower." I stuttered. I need to go fix something but he doesn't need to know that.

"Oh, alright. I'll wait downstairs." He stood up and started walking out. "Um," He turned back to face me, "have fun?" He shrugged with a tiny laugh. I threw a pillow at him but it hit the door as he left and closed it.

I guess I wasn't exactly hiding it well.

I couldn't help but think about that dream while I was showering and taking care of my problem. You can't blame me for thinking about it, it's what caused this in the first place. I'm just finishing what my subconscious started.

When I finished, I washed myself up and thought about everything. Like how I just jacked off to the thought of my gay friend. What does that make me? I mean, I'm the one who kissed him. I'm the one who had the sex dream. And I'm the one who just did... that.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I went downstairs where Liam had helped himself to some toast.

"You don't have any avocados. How am I supposed to make avocado toast?" He said with a smirk because he knew I hated avocados.

"Piss off. Of course, I don't have any fucking avocados." I rolled my eyes as I sat down at the kitchen table.

"So tell me what happened," He sat down across from me.


Am I really about to say this? There's no going back after this. I can't just turn around tomorrow and say, "haha just kidding!" I just need to say it.

"Liam, I think I'm... a little... g-gay..." I closed my eyes tightly, afraid of his reaction. He didn't say anything and I opened one eye cautiously and then the other upon seeing him starting at the table with a blank expression.

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