20- Clingy Clingy Clingy

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POV: Harry

Three Weeks Later

"Okay, okay, I love you, you love me... can we hang up now?" I sighed into the phone dramatically.

"Okay... I love you." Louis answered from the other end.

"I love you too. I'll be home tomorrow okay?"

"I know, I just want you here already." He whined.

"And you say I'm clingy?" I laughed.

"You are. But I miss you."

"It's only been two weeks babe."

"I don't care how long it's been. You're still not here."

"I know. I said I'll be there tomorrow."

"Okay. I have to go to my stupid meeting now so I love you and I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow. I love you more."

"Impossible. I love you to infinity and beyond."

"Okay, Buzz Lightyear." I laughed.

"Bye Hazza."

"Bye Boobear."

"I told you to stop calling me that. It's so babyish." He complained.

"And you're my baby."

I heard a long sigh that was definitely sarcastic because he definitely loves it when I call him that, he just puts up a fight for no reason. "Fine." He mumbled. "I love you but I really have to go now."

"Okay, bye baby."

"Bye-bye." The line went dead a few seconds later. I flopped over onto my bed like a teenager in love. I am in love so whatever.

"I love you. No, I love you. No, you hang up. No, you hang up Boobear. I love you, I love you, I love you." Gemma stood at my door mimicking my conversation overdramatically. "You hear that mum? I think he's in love."

"Shut up, prick." I sat up on my bed and glared at her until my mum came into frame.

"It's dinner time now hun. And don't call your sister a prick. I swear you guys are still kids." She mumbled, nudging Gemma out of my doorway and down the hall to the kitchen. Freeing me from the prying into my love life, or so I thought. "So, Louis, how's he? Do I get to meet him? I feel like I should. You should bring him over."

"I'm not sixteen Mum. I don't just bring my boyfriends over, mostly because I don't live here anymore. And he's in Los Angeles anyway." I shrugged and stood up, walking towards the door.

"I thought you said he's from Doncaster." She frowned, following me out of the room and towards the kitchen.

"He is. He just lives in LA. He's a singer, remember?"

"Do I get to at least see a picture of him? I don't even know what my son's supposed soulmate looks like!" She said as we all sat down at the table for the rare family dinner. Rare because I live in LA and don't really love to come back here all that much.

"You haven't seen a picture yet?" Gemma said loudly and in shock. "Mum, he's actually hot. Like hot as f-" Mum glared at Gemma just in time to stop the word from flying out. "Hot as fire. Fire yep."

"Well, Harry has yet to show me."

"Later Mum. Please."

"Alright, love, but I want to see him. Your supposed soulmate."

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