Chapter 17

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The next few weeks go by in a blur. Between prepping for filming and trying to bury my feelings for Theo, I've been a wreck. We've also been spending a lot of time together. Shopping, eating out and even just hanging out at home. It's almost like we're dating...except no kissing or anything because you know, he doesn't like me. Oops. But hey, when we start filming that'll all change. Im almost done styling my long hair, when my phone rings. I have one now in case Neil or my agent calls.
"Hi, is this Shailene Woodley?" A shrill voice asks. Who is this?
"Speaking...and you are?" I ask walking into my kitchen. Turns out the voice has a name, Tracey. She called to ask me about a movie opportunity. The fault in our stars. She continued to tell me that the audition was next week and if I got the part we'd start shooting right away. She started to tell me all the details when I stopped her.
"Wait. Why did you call to tell me personally?" She chuckles.
"Because the director, publisher and pretty much everyone said you would be perfect for the role. So they thought a personal phone call would be a good way to get you to come." My emotions are all over. I'm so excited, but what about Insurgent? And what about Theo? He might need me. Don't lie to yourself, he'll be fine. Just do it!
"Okay,-" I say finally. "Tell them I'll be there." She nearly shrieks. Tracey says she'll send me a copy of the script and we say goodbye. Nervousness bubbles in my stomach. This is going to be fun.
A few days later, my script comes in the mail. I rip it open excitedly, and start to read. It sounds amazing! They already have the male lead. Someone named, Ansel Elgort.
Pff, sounds like a nerd. But boy was I wrong. When I get to the audition, John Green, the author is there, as is Ansel. I'm taken back. Ansels hair is swept back with gel and looks perfect. And he is totally not nerdy. His muscle shirt is tight against his stomach, chest and arms. I have to try really hard to keep my eyes from popping out of my head. I shake my head slightly and walk up to them. I shake their hands and smile extra big at Ansel. "So, where's the director?" I ask looking at John. But I feel Ansel's eyes on me.
"Um, he's not coming. It's just me and Ansel." He smiles. Okay, I can do this.
"Let's see what you got." Ansel says standing beside me. I nod and flip open my script to the part where Hazel and Augustus are meeting for the first time. I turn away from Ansel an then run into him. He grabs me by my biceps and smiles.
"Sorry..." He says. I nod and grin shyly. Ansel walks away and runs into a door, as the script says to do. John laughs and stands to clap. I take a tiny bow.
"Well done!" John says. Ansel pats me on the back and agrees.
"Let's do another scene...hmm...-" says John flipping through his copy of the script.
"-the kissing scene!" He shouts. I gulp. But then I shake myself, it's going to be fine. I throw my script on the table and look at Ansel. He smiles. "Ready?" He says.
"Hell yeah," I whisper. I grab his hair in my fist and pull him close to me. His lips move against mine and holy. Shit. He's flipping amazing. All my worries fade away as I kiss him. We kiss for a long time before John says cut. He claps once again and he says he'll call me if I get the part. I walk out of the building my lips still tingling. I touch them and smile. In fact, I smile the whole way home.
(A/N) Ayeeeee. So do you think she has feelings for Ansel? I dunno. Oh wait, yes I do. Hahahahahahhaha. I love playing with emotions. I'm sorry for a short chapter. I promise Theos POV will be longer. Byee
Ps lets just pretend that Shai and Ansel weren't brother and sister on divergent and that this is the first time they met. Okay? Okay. Pun not intended.

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