Chapter 9

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In the shower, I started thinking more and more about how much Theo was testing me. I was starting to fall for it. I was scared. My last boyfriend was a complete arse, to put it lightly. Would Theo do the same? Break my heart? And we're both busy, between our families and our careers, how much time would we have for each other? Would our relationship withstand it? Would it crumble underneath the pressure? I just don't know. I sigh and turn the shower off. I step out carefully and dry myself off with a soft purple towel. I shake my hair out of its bun and run a brush through it. I would have to cut it soon for my new movie, "the Fault in Our Stars," I was excited. It was time for a change. I tried to imagine myself with short hair, it was difficult. I grabbed my clothes off the counter and slipped them on. I buttoned up the black jeans and pulled the black t-shirt over my head. I wanted to look good, but casual. I wanted to impress Theo, but not look like I'm trying too hard. Oh, the struggles. I apply a little mascara and foundation and bounce out the door. I stand in the doorway with my hands on my hips. He fell asleep. He fell asleep! Was I that long? I shake my head. Men. A small smirk makes it way onto my face. I slowly make my way to the bed. I pluck a pillow off and hold it in my hands. He looks so peaceful. Maybe I shouldn't. He'd be mad. Oh well! I smack him hard on the head with my pillow while shouting, "THEO!" Multiple times. He jumps up and almost falls off the side of the bed.
"What the hell was that for!?" He shouts, obviously not amused. Meanwhile, I clutch my sides, doubled over in laughter. I'm laughing so hard you can't hear me anymore. I try to take a deep breath but it's interrupted by another fit of giggles. The look on Theo's face is perfection. It's a mix between annoyed, mad and surprised. It's absolutely priceless. I collapse on the bed and try to calm down, but every time I look at Theo, my laughter bubbles up. I take yoga breaths and refuse to look at him. When I've finally calmed down a little, I chance looking at him. His faced has morphed into a happy smile. I love that smile. It's content and beautiful. Before I know what I'm doing, I reach up and softly stroke his face. He closes his eyes. I snuggle closer to him and engulf him in a hug. He's so strong and safe. I feel like nothing can hurt me when I'm with him. Then what am I waiting for!? I should jump at the chance to have Theo James as my boyfriend. He's handsome, charming, hilarious, dresses well, an amazing actor, the list goes on. In that moment, I realize something. I love him. I am I love with Theo James. Oh no. No! No! No! I can't be in love with him! It'll just make things worse! And harder! Why can't I just have no feelings? Why can't I just be a mindless robot!? Everything would be so much better. I almost miss when we didn't know what the other one felt. Yes, I second-guessed everything, but there no chance of ruining anything. Now, everything could be burned to the ground. And it would be all my fault. Well, I'll just have to make sure he doesn't find out.
Later that morning, Theo and I decided to do something. We chose paintball. The whole drive to the place, we playfully bantered with each other. Betting who would win. Who would get hit first. Finally, we made a deal. If I got out first, we'd go on a date. But if he got out first, he had to buy me something. Whether it's food or jewellery, I don't know. I haven't decided. We walk to the front counter and pick up our suits and guns. I'm pink and Theo is green. There's only a handful of other people here, so no one is screaming our names asking for an autograph. Thankfully. We walk into the 'arena' and pick our positions. The gong rings out through the building and everyone launches themselves into battle. I hide behind a tree and keep an eye out for Theo. Someone comes into view, not Theo though. I shoot them in the back and their out.
"Nice shot, stiff," a husky voice says. I spin around quickly and hold up my gun.
"Thanks Four," I stifle a giggle. He grins and hoists his gun onto his shoulders.
"I can't wait for that date," he bites his lip and fires at my leg. I try to dodge it, but with no luck. Green and blue paint colours my leg. I look up at him, scowling. He just laughs. He attempts to do some sort of dance. I'm guessing a happy dance. His arms are in the air and his feet are kicking out this way and that. He has the biggest smile on his face.
"Oh calm your shit," I aim my gun for his chest and click the paint into its chamber. I squint and fire. Pink paint splatters onto his torso and face. His dancing stops immediately. I cock a hip and smirk. We stare at each other for a couple of minutes, and then we're laughing. Tears are rolling down our faces and cramps are paining our sides.
"Okay, I guess we're both out." He wheezes still doubled over.
"No, I...was out...first-" I say I between breaths. "-your...still in,"
"Nah, I'd much rather just go home. You know...get some rest, plan our date, bask in the glory..." He sighs happily.
"Whatever you say hot shot," I start walking back to the main entrance. Swinging my gun the whole way. A date with Theo. Some might think I planned to lose.
"So, I know you eat all vegan-" he starts.
"Uh excuse me? Organic," I correct.
"Whatever, what other food do you eat?" He scratches the back of his neck.
"I like all foods, I just prefer organic," I state.
"Okay, well. I'm trying to get information for a good date so if you could give me something...that'd be great." His voice is dripping with sarcasm. I ignore it.
"I like Italian." I twirl some hair around my finger.
"See thank you. That's helps so much." He throws his arm around me. I look up at him. Then I shove him away and to the ground. I hold out my hand to help him up. He smiles great fully. He takes my hand and pulls me down beside him. We laugh all the way to our hotel.
(A/N) sorry for a short chapter!! :( and for not updating for a while. I've been super busy and just haven't had time to update. The next chapter will be all sheo sheo sheo. Dates, maybe kisses....*shrugs innocently*

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