Chapter 12

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Why is it so bright? I squint against the blinding light. I hear someone gasp. Who the hell is in my house?! I open my eyes completely and sit up. I look around the room, which is not my house. I also see a blonde girl with tears spilling out of her eyes. Who is she and why is she crying?
"Theo?" She squeaks. I give her a puzzled look.
"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I ask gently pulling my hand from her grasp. She gasps again.
"No. Theo? I'm Shai. Don't you remember? It's me." She try's to smile through her tears. I slowly shake my head.
"No...Shai. I don't know you. Are you a fan? How did you get in here?" I crane my neck to look for an entrance where she could have snuck in. She brings her hands to her mouth and let's out a sob. I notice that she too is in a hospital gown. I also notice a few scratches on her face. Was she in a accident?
"I'm sorry, Theo. Uh, I'm going to go get the doctor. Alright? Just, uh, stay put." She slowly wheels herself out of my room and down the hall. Why was she here? Why am I here? I'm aware of a small cast around my arm. Why can't I remember anything? And where the hell is Ruth? If I'm in the hospital, she should be here. She just must be busy. A few moments later, Shai and a doctor come through my door. Shai sits in her wheelchair at the door. The doctor comes and sits beside my bed.
"Hello, Theodore. I'm Dr. Matthews. How are you feeling?" He asks scribbling a few things down on his chart. "I feel okay. But, um why are you asking? What happened? Why am I here?-" I whisper my last question."-and who is that?" I subtly point to Shai.
He gives a short laugh.
"That is..." He taps his chin and thinks about it. "That is the other driver. She's the one you had the collision with." He shrugs. My eyes widen.
"Oh. Was anybody seriously hurt?"
"No. Thankfully. Now, I want you to keep your eyes on the light as I move it." He shines the light into my eyes and I follow it. "Good pupil response-" he scribbles more into his page. "-do you feel any fuzziness or weakness?" He asks tapping his pen against his knee.
"I feel great, except for the fact I can't remember what happened." I smile.
"We'll get you filled in soon enough," he smiles as he walks out the door. Shai is still sitting by the door playing with her fingers.
"Hey, Shai? Com'ere." I gesture with my hand. She looks up happily. She wheels herself towards me.
"What's up?" She asks.
"I dunno. My girlfriend isn't here yet, so can you keep me company?" She has a weird look on her face.
"Sure. Um, who's your girlfriend?" She smiles sweetly. Wow, she has an amazing smile. It reaches all the way to her eyes and lights up her whole face.
"Ruth Kearney." She takes a deep breath and holds it for a second.
"Theo...I hate to be the one to tell you this but, Ruth? Sh-she cheated on you..." She trails off. What!?
"No. Ruth loves me. She wouldn't do that!" I shake my head and laugh. But Shai isn't smiling. She looks at the ground and fiddles with her gown.
"Shai? How would you know that anyhow?" I ask softly. When she looks back up, there are more tears in her eyes. "Theo, we have met before. You just don't remember. We did a movie together! And were in love with me." She looks at the ground again. I should at least give her a chance.
"Can you show me any proof?" I touch her hand. She lifts her eyes to mine and grins. "Would you like to watch the movie? I can bring it in here." She smiles sheepishly. I nod and she squeals. She types a mile a minute on her phone. She looks up.
"Thank you." She says.
"For what?"
"For giving me a chance." She smiles wide. What have I gotten myself into?

An hour and a half later, Shai has her proof that we know each other.
"Well, that obviously proves that." I smile.
"Yeah. And I understand it's not going to be the same as before either." She says.
"Yeah, so you understand I don't feel the same way as I may or may not have felt before, right?" I really hope that doesn't offend her.
"Oh, yeah yeah. Of course." She brushes invisible dirt off her gown and starts to wheel out.
"I guess I'll let you get your rest, then." She waves as she goes out the door. I felt this weird feeling in my stomach. Was I...disappointed that she left? No, it can't be. We just met! Well, that's what I remember. I just must be lonely.


(A/N) I'm sorry!! It had to be done. He had to forget so shai could learn to really appreciate him. I mean if I had Theo flipping James chasing me I'd be happy to be with him. So shai just had to learn her lesson. Anyway, thanks so much for reading and I love you so much. Vote and comment? Thank u!!

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