Chapter 7

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I feel quite proud of myself as I lay against Theo. Maybe he'll stop tempting me now. Now that he knows how it feels. I want him even more, after I kissed him. He's so sexy. And muscular. Like, I can feel his abs through my shirt. We're still only in a couple articles of clothing. So, that could be contributing. I feel lips on my neck. Obviously Theo's.

"Theo," I say sharply.

"Mm?" He mumbles.

"We've already done this. Twice!" I squeal as he climbs on top of me.

"So?" He says rubbing my exposed thighs.

"So...I'm tired!" I lie. He rolls his eyes and continues to kiss anywhere his lips can reach.

"Yeah right," Theo says.

"Theo, please. I mean it. I might not be able to resist this time. Please," I beg. He sighs.

"Fine. I'll stop kissing you." He grinds his hips into me. I stifle a moan.

"Theodore..." I know he hates when I call him that.

"Shailene..." He says in the same tone.

"Theo, I'm serious. I'm not changing my mind. Now, please, stop!" I stare into his eyes, determination on my face.

"Okay," he says slowly. "I think...I'm going to sleep in my own room, tonight." He says, almost sadly.

"What? Why would you do that?" I say, clearly confused.

"Because...because I might not be able to control myself, either. I like you so much. I want to be with you in every possible way. And I want to make sure I don't push you away," he sighs as he gets off the bed. I am so confused. What dose he think he's going to do? Screw me in my sleep? C'mon. He's never done that before, so why would it start now? My feeling are getting stronger for Theo. And I will admit, him tempting me isn't the greatest. But...I still enjoy it. It makes me feel loved and like he wants to fight for me. But maybe he's going to give up. Theo has gotten all his clothes on now and is putting on his shoes.

"Theo. Please stay. I love sleeping with you. You make me feel safe. In your arms," I plead. He turns to look at me. His face is so sad. It's like he's aged in the past 10 minutes. His face is sagged and pulls at his eyes. He shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, Shai. I don't know if I can do this anymore." With that he walks out. Anger rises in my stomach. My nostrils flare and my eyes glare at the closed door.

"You never wanted to fight for me! This was all just some big game to you! You never wanted me! I hate you!" I scream. Tears run down my face. I scream in frustration again. I look around the room, wanting something to throw. Something that will break. Just like my heart has. On the dresser is a white vase. I grab it and throw it against the door. I scream once again. "I hate you! I hate you so much!" I yell.

"I hate you," I whisper. I lean my back on the wall and slide down it. I put my head in my hands and sob. I am crying so hard it hurts. Everything hurts. My heart. My head. My foot. What? My foot? I glance down at it and realize it's bleeding. I must have stepped on a piece of vase. It hurts like hell.

"Shit," I mutter. I wipe my tears and stand up. More and more tears start to fall. I don't bother brushing them away. I walk into the bathroom and look for some band aids. The cupboard is bare except for some cleaning supplies. There are none on the counter. I look in the cabinet above the sink. I find some in the corner. I grab the small box and rip it open. I sit on the counter and put my foot under the tap. I run some cold water over the cut and it finally stops bleeding. It still hurts though. I hope there's no glass in there. I bring my foot up to my face and examine it. I pinch it. I don't see anything. I shrug to myself. I pluck a band aid out of the box and place it on the wound. It starts to feel a little better. I walk out and flop on the bed. More tears come when I smell Theo's scent on the sheets. I fall asleep with tear still wet on my cheeks.


A/N sorry for the short chapter! A bit of writers block. I'll try for a better chapter. Again I'm sorry! Love you!

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