Chapter 2

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When I hear Shai's even breathing, I know she's asleep. Why can't I just tell her how I feel? I like her, a lot. But she might not like me that way. I fear rejection. If I tell her how I feel, it might get awkward. And if she doesn't like me the same way... I might never get over it. I look down at her sleeping face. She's so beautiful. Her brown eyes. Turned up nose. And rosebud mouth. Oh, how I love that mouth. I loved kissing that mouth for the movie. I slowly lean down. I get to her lips. I sigh. I can't kiss her. I want to kiss her when I know she feels the same way. I kiss her on the cheek instead. She sighs in her sleep and cuddles closer to me. I smile, and fall asleep.


The next day as Shai is getting ready, I think of something.

"Shai?" I call to her in the bathroom.

"Yeah?" She says.

"Just a heads up, you might get hounded by the paps 'cause you left early last night. As did I." I say turning on the tv. She comes out of the bathroom in just a towel. My eyes widen, she looks sexy. She doesn't seem to notice her body is making me blush. She's brushing her teeth and has tooth paste spilling out of her mouth. Again, she doesn't care.

"Oh well. I'll just ignore them. They ask questions? I give them no answers. Alright?" She raises her eyebrows and it makes me laugh because she's so serious. Yet she's in the most unserious situation. In a towel. Tooth paste, dribbling from the sides of her mouth.

"What?" She says. It just makes me laugh harder.

"Theo," she whines, stomping her foot. I wipe my eyes and try to control myself.

"I'm sorry, you just look really cute, right now. " I chuckle.

She rolls her eyes and says, "Tell me something I don't know," she walks back into the bathroom, swaying her hips. She glances at me before she closes the door. I bust out laughing, once again. I turn back to the tv, shaking my head.

I am so absorbed in my show, I don't notice Shai riffling around in her drawer. I turn to look at her and what I see makes me widen my eyes in surprise. Her bright pink bra is tight and shows off her curves. Her jeans hug her body in such a lovely way, I blush. I think I made a noise, because she whips around to look at me.

"Oh, shit, Theo. I didn't think you were paying attention. Sorry," she hurriedly slips on a sweatshirt and I shrug. "S'okay. I didn't mind," I grin and she stares at me with a look of surprise. I chuckle and turn back to my show. "Perv," she mutters. I spin my head around to look at her. I glare, humorously.

"What did you call me? A...perv? Shailene, I thought someone with your class wouldn't call, a gentleman that." I raise my eyebrows at her and she smirks.

"Whatever," she turns back to riffling in her drawer.

"I think somebody needs to be taught a lesson." I jump off the bed and grab her by the waist. I throw her over my shoulder and carry her to the bed. She starts laughing uncontrollably. "No! Theo, stop! That tickles!" She shouts as I climb on top of her and tickle her.

I lean down close to her ear and whisper,"Have you learned you learned your lesson yet?" She shakes her head. "I still think your a perv," I gasp and start tickling her viscously. She laughs and yells for me to stop. I don't of course.

"Okay! Fine! Your not a perv! I've learned my lesson!" She giggles. I'm still on top of her and I want to kiss her so badly. I glance down at her lips. They're so plump and gorgeous. I swear I see her look at my mouth too, but I tell myself it's my imagination.

"Are you sure?" I ask. She nods her head still giggling.

"Fine," I roll off of her and start watching Supernatural, one of my favourites shows. I know she's staring at me. But I don't look at her. I'm afraid if I do, I'll kiss her and ruin our friendship. I don't think Sheo will ever have more than a friendship. Unfortunately.


At the airport, that evening, Shai and I both wear sunglasses and baseball caps. Our next premiere is in L. A. We finally get our luggage and hurry on to the plane. We settle down into our seats and I pull out a piece of gum and offer Shai a piece. She takes it and starts to chew.

"Ew! Theo!" She exclaims, making a face of disgust.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"You gave me grape!" She glares at me as she spits out the gum into the trash.

"What's wrong with grape?"

"I. Don't. Like. It," she says.

"And you didn't see the colour or smell it before you put it in your mouth?" I say sarcastically. She just rolls her eyes.

"Too much work," she says laying back in her seat.

"Oh whatever," I lean back in my seat too and look over at her. She's nodding her head to her headphones. I pick up her iPod and check the song. I scoff when I see it. It's my song "Skin,".

"Shai. That song isn't even good, I don't like it. Not my greatest moment. " I whine.

"Theo. I love this song and if I wanna listen to it, I will." She sticks out her tongue and goes back to bobbing her head. I chuckle as the plane takes off into the darkening sky.

I startle awake when I hear a loud noise coming from the engine. I grab Shai's hand and grip it tightly. She looks at me with scared eyes. Those eyes. I'll never get to tell those eyes I love them. I'll never get to tell her I love her. I'll never get to kiss her for real. I'll never get to propose to her. She'll never say I love you back to me. Today I will die.

My eyes pop open and I immediately look over at Shai. I sigh with relief. Shes still here. She's fallen asleep with her headphones still in. Her mouth is hanging open slightly and her arm is resting above her head. I carefully pluck the headphones out and set them in her lap. I place her hands between mine and I admire how soft and delicate they are. It's like the gods created them. They are perfect. Then again, everything about Shai is perfect in my opinion.

I must have drifted off again because now, a stewardess, is telling me to put on my seatbelt, the plane is descending. I buckle it and lean back. Shai is awake too, and is back to nodding her head to the music. I roll my eyes and wait for the plane to land.


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