Chapter 22

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"Wh-what? The text! Do you not..." I try to wrap my head around the fact that she may not feel the way I thought she did. She slips her hand from my grasp and sits up in her bed. She sighs.
"Theo. Ruth is insane." She states. I snort.
"She sent that man after me. He said, and I quote, 'Ruth was right. You are a little fighter.' And as flattering as that is, I don't know if I can handle it. I'm sorry, Theo, but-" Her eyes shift away from mine. Her whole face lights up.
"Mom?" She whispers. I turn to see Lori standing at the door. There are tears in her eyes. "Shai..." Lori walks slowly to Shai's side. "Baby I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just couldn't be with him-" Lori hiccups. Shai takes her hand. But, what?! I want to shout. "I'll be outside." I mumble. Neither of them acknowledge me leaving. I get up and head down to the cafeteria. I load my tray up with cheese fries and a burger. I also get a salad for Shai. I eat my food in a corner. There's only a hand full of people here. A few are crying, others are staring blankly off into space. But all are dealing with their own tragedies. "Hello," I jump when I see Shai's dad standing there. "What the hell are you-" he waves a hand to silence me. His hair is a mess and his clothes look like they've been slept in. "'Ello Theodore. I heard Shai was here so I swung on by." He smiles. I notice one of his teeth is crooked. "Yes, she is. And she doesn't want to see you." I snarl.
"Oh you don't know that! How about I get her a little something and-" I cut him off. "No. I don't care if she wants to see you or not. You are never going near her again." I angrily slap down my fork and grab the salad for Shai. I storm off before he can say another word. I try not to stomp my way into the elevator, but given how angry I am, it's close to impossible.
"Theo!" Shai sings as I step through the door. I give a half smile. Lori is still there, but she's on the phone in the corner. "So can" I whisper so Lori won't hear. "She has to leave soon. But Theo, you should have seen us. It's like we were never apart. She apologized for leaving me with dad and never writing or calling and...oh, Theo I think she really means it." The smile on her face makes my heart swell.
"I'm really happy for you, Shai." I squeeze her hand.
"Um, s-speaking of your, uh, father...he's um-"
"Hellewwww, darling!" I'm cut off by the drunks slurring. Shai already has tears running down her cheeks. Lori ends her phone call and strides right up to him. She gives him a firm slap. I flinch, as if it had been my own cheek.
"Out in the hall, now. " Holding his face, Dean slumps out to the hall.
"Shailene, I tried to say he was-" she shakes her head. I shut up. A minute passes. Then two. Shai takes a deep breath.
"Theodore. I love you, with all my heart and soul. But now is not the time for any kind of relationship, other than friendship. And it hurts me so much to say this-" she focuses on an invisible spot on the wall. "-but we cannot be together. Not now, maybe not ever. Ruth is still so crazy in love with you, she tried to kill me off just so she could have you all to herself. And I'm not going to go through life, looking over my shoulder, wondering what she's going to do next." Silent tears are now running down her cheeks. My heart is slowly breaking, sinking in all her words. No. No. No!
"So Theo, I love you. But until Ruth-" I stand up so fast, my chair tips back and makes a giant crash.
"No! This is not about Ruth! If you really loved me, as you claim, you would take the risk!-" I start to pace. "-And friendship? That's bullshit. Do you really think I can be friends with you? When I love you!? If you think we can be friends after this, your an idiot." I rub my chin. Shai has started to sob now, but I don't care. "Do you know the rage that filled me when I saw that guy? I was actually afraid I might kill him. But what scared me more? Is the fact that I would have done it without blinking an eye, if it meant you were okay. That is love. I would have gone to jail for murder, for you. And Ruth? I would deal with her. I would protect you, from her. But no. You won't even give me a chance." Shai is shaking. I don't let it stop me.
"You are a selfish, weak little girl. And I can't believe I ever thought that this would work." I walk out and slam the door. I hear her calling after me, but I plow ahead. I jog out to my car and get in. Then the tears fall. Soaking my shirt and jacket, I cry until I'm sure there's nothing left. I slam the wheel as hard as I can. Something's cracks and I'm not sure if something broke. I drive away. Wee-oo wee-oo wee-oo. I look in my rearview mirror. Blue and red lights flash at me. "Shit." I hastily wipe my eyes and pull over. How fast was I going? Was I swerving? I don't know.
The officer taps my window and I roll it down. "Problem officer?" I ask. She takes off her glasses and peers at me. I've thrown on my sunglasses so she can't tell who I am.
"Sir, were you aware you were going 110 in a 90 zone?" Her southern accent is thick and slow. I groan inwardly.
"Listen, m'mam. The love of my life just told me we might not ever be together. After she was almost beaten to death. And guess who saved her? Me. So I've just had a really crappy day. So if you could just let this one slide...?" She tsks tsks. I sigh. I slowly slide off my sunglasses and squint in the bright sun light. She gasps.
"You're Theo James! Oh sir, I'm sorry. Of course, of course, go ahead. But, may I ask, who is the love of your life?!" Her excitement annoys me.
"Ah ah ah. Can't have that getting back to the paps now, can we?" I smile, charmingly. She giggles.
"Bye, now!" I say putting the car in drive.
"Bye!" She waves. I breath a sigh of relief. Thank goodness for fame.

(A/N) awh poor Theo.. I'm sorry this was so sad. I almost feel bad. Ahahahhhhaaha. Not. Idk if I should do the next chapter also in Theos pov? That'd be fun. Oh well. We'll see. Haahahhaah

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