Chapter 26

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*Three months ago*
"Shit!" I shout as I spill my coffee all over someone's chest.
"I am so sorry." I say, grabbing some napkins. She laughs and wipes at the giant stain.
"No, it's okay. I'm such a klutz." Her beautiful, blue eyes stare up into mine, and squint.
"Hey! Aren't you Theo James? I loved Divergent and Insurgent. I cannot wait for the next one!" She squeals. I chuckle. "Thanks! It's always nice meeting a fan." I smile.
"I'm Andrea." She sticks out her hand and I shake it. Her hand sends a shock up my arm so strong, I resist the urge to yank it back.
"Um, listen-" I start. "-let me pay for that. What's your number?" Smooth, Theo. Smooth. She blushes.
"126-783-4657." I punch the numbers into my phone and smile at her.
"So, I'll see you around." I wave and walk out of the coffee shop. It's time to move on.

"Wait, what? We're adding another half hour to the movie? Why?" I ask Casey.
"Because! The fans want the movie as close to the book as possible!" She almost yells.
"Okay! Okay. I get it. I'll be in tomorrow at nine." I click end and stir the pasta that's on the stove. "Babe?" Andrea calls from the other room.
"Yeah?" I pull the garlic bread from the oven and almost drop it when it burns my fingers. I hear heels click-clacking across the floor. I turn and nearly gasp.
"Honey..." I say, my mouth agape. She spins around in a gorgeous deep red dress. It stops right her knees. "Is it alright? Is it too dressy? Can I wear it for tomorrow's business meeting?" She asks biting in her lip. I step towards her and kiss her.
"It's absolutely perfect." She smiles and kisses me more. We eat the pasta and garlic bread in silence. With an occasional pat on the back from Andrea. I watch her as we eat. She's not an organic eater, or even vegetarian, like Shai. I mentally slap myself. This happens all the time. I see Andrea do something and I think about how Shai would do it. And I love Andrea, but I don't think my feelings for Shailene will ever really be gone. And that scares the shit out of me. Eventually, we finish dinner and we get to kissing again. My pants and shirt, as well as her dress, come off and we fall into bed.

I step onto the set in the morning feeling great. Shailene is the farthest thing from my mind. Until, of course, I see her. She looks so sexy with her hair all short. But I push all those thoughts away. I am taken and plan to be for a very long time.
"Theo!" Shai says. She gives me a hug. When she pulls back, she looks around.
"Where's Andrea, I thought you'd be bringing her with you." Is she disappointed?
"Um, she had a meeting today, so she couldn't come."
"I'm starting to think this Andrea chick isn't even real..." She tsks, tsks.
"Ha ha. She's real, dumbass." I shake my head and walk to my trailer. You really need to stop lying. Andrea said she could easily skip the meeting and come meet Shai. But you're too scared for them to meet. The thoughts in my head give me a major headache. I pop a couple advil and chug some water.
"I'm not scared. I'm just waiting for the right time." I whisper. No time like the present.
I shake my head. What am I doing? Shailene won't hate her. At least she won't show that she does. And Andrea...she's a sweet heart. She'd be thrilled to meet Shai. Alright, fine. Tomorrow, they'll meet. And everything will be fine. Hopefully.

(A/N) I'm super sorry for the short chapters!!! I don't even have an excuse. I'm just super sorry and I'll try for a longer one next time. Kisses. Ew actually no. Don't touch me. Byee

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