Chapter 13

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I sit in my hospital room, quietly sobbing. He doesn't remember me, and he probably never will. He loves Ruth. Even if I told him what she did. Thankfully, I get out tomorrow. The doctors say I'm getting stronger. So I'll be able to walk with no trouble again soon. I miss Theo so much. I miss how we were together. I guess the saying is true, now that I can't have Theo, I want him more than ever. How can I live without him? He's my best friend. He's the one I always call when I'm upset or just need to talk. And what about the movie?! He'll be able to memorize the lines no problem, but the producers like us because we have chemistry. We don't have that anymore. And there was no one that would be able to play the part like he can. He's perfect. I can't believe this is happening.
"Theo, come back to me." I whisper. I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. Tears run down my cheeks and stain my clothes. I need to get my mind off this. I decide to practice walking, I do that for most of the day. By 9:00, my legs are sore and wobbly. I sit on my bed and scroll through the channels on the tv. A rerun of how I met your mother is on. I click on it and settle in watch it. The next morning I awake from a dream, with a small smile on my face. The dream wasn't exactly happy, but today? I get to go home! Aunt Lucy brought me clothes to change into already. I throw on the skinny jeans and coral seater, along with a white scarf and gray pea coat. I want to stop by Theo's room before I leave. I walk slowly down the corridor, since my legs are still weak. I reach his door and knock lightly. I don't hear anything so I push the door open and look inside. And what I see brings tears rushing to my eyes and cheeks. Theo and Ruth are standing by the window, making out. They might as well be humping each other. I must have made a noise because Theo breaks away from her and stares at me.
"Oh, Shai. I'm-" he starts, but I run out the door before I hear it. Of course Theo went back to her. In his mind, they were never apart. I run out the doors and nearly collapse when I reach my car. My legs barely hold my weight. They wobble and my knees almost buckle. I unlock the doors and climb in quickly. I take deep breaths and try to stop crying. It's not like we were ever together. Tears still blur my vision as I drive home. I keep imagining the kiss. It keeps going over and over again in my mind. And it won't turn off. I hit the steering wheel in frustration.
"Stop!" I shout. Sobs wrack my body. I pull the car over and take more deep breaths. He didn't cheat on you. Your the one who said you should wait. I tip my head back and wait for the tears to stop. My stomach feels sick. I grab my water bottle and take a few sips. The tears have stopped gushing, now only a couple trickle out. I pull out onto the street and focus on the road. I don't need to get into another accident. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I finally reach my house. I pull into the driveway and park. I jump out and run into my house, which I haven't seen in ages. When Theo and I got into the accident, we were only in chicago for a few days before we were moved to L.A. I flop onto the old familiar couch and switch on the tv. I'm onto the third high school musical when my phone chimes. The chime I set for Theo. I grab it immediately.
T: I'm sorry you had to see that. We cool?
"Cool, my ass." I throw my phone back onto the coffee table and continue to sing along to all the music. Theo doesn't even text me again until two days later. And only to say, hey. Hey! Like seriously, is the man clueless!? I at least expected a lengthy apology. Okay, it wasn't that bad. He was just kissing his girlfriend...but I told him what she did! And how he used to feel about me and technically how I felt about him. Ugh, men. I walk out the door of my house and lock it behind me. I have an interview today. So many people wanted to ask me about the accident and what we're going to do about the movie and blah blah blah. Obviously, we're postponing shooting until Theo gets out of the hospital. And then we'll see if we still flow together like before. And if we don't...well, we're in trouble. I drive to the studio where my interview is being done. I'm get there in fifteen minutes flat. Just as I'm about to go in, my phone rings.
"Hello?" I answer leaning my head on the seat. The voice on the other startles me.
"Hello, Shailene." It's bloody Ruth.
"Ruth. What do you want?" I ask coldly. I hear her cackle through the ear piece.
"Oh, Shai. I just wanted to say I told you so," I can just imagine her sipping a martini and smirking right now.
"Told me what?"
"That Theo would come back to me. He loves me, not you. And he probably never will," she says, snark dripping from her words.
"He lost his damn memory, Ruth. If he hadn't he'd still be with me." Ass.
"Ah, yes. But, you see you two were never together in the first place. Theo and I were exclusive." Smoke is coming out of my ears by now. How dare she!?
"Oh yeah. Until you cheated. Ruth, I don't care. It's what makes Theo happy. And right now? It's you. But when he gets he memories back, we will be the ones together. Goodbye," I click end before she can reply. I shake myself a little before going inside. She will not get to me. I stride through the doors with a smile on my face. I sit down and get comfortable on the couch. The interview sits down seconds later and smiles. She rustles some papers before beginning.
"So understand you just got out of the hospital a few days ago?" She taps a pen against her knee.
"Yes. I'm still a little weak from it. But I'm much better than I was." I smile.
"Good, I'm glad. And how's Theo?"
"Well, he's lost his memory, as you know, so we'll wait until he's home again to start shooting. We'll also have to see if we still have that spark. And only then will we start Insurgent." She asks a few more questions like, how dose it feel to be home? How do you feel about Theo's memory loss? And about Theo And Ruth. I let on that Ruth and I get along great. Even though our actual relationship is the total opposite. She's actually a total bitch, to be honest. When we're finally done, I grab a donut off the table and dash out the door. I'm eager to take a nap. I speed home and change into my bikini. I turn on my jakuzi tub. I slip into the warm water and sigh. Perfect No drama. Just relaxation.
"Ahh," I sigh. Maybe I don't even need Theo. If he remembers me, great. But if he doesn't? I'll be fine. I don't need no man to live my life.

(A/N) Kelsey I really hope you saw ur line in here and I don't have to explain it okay okay.

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