Dreams aren't reality

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The bell rang as Blue and her mother entered the convenient store . The clerk watched as they disappeared down the candy aisle, with an eye brow raised. Blue bounced around like a bubbly 6 year old very eager to get the award she earned. Her eyes scanned over all the various types available, her mom urging her to hurry so she can get home and start dinner. Blue nodded and grabbed the pink circular container holding gum inside.
"Hi!" Blue greeted the clerk happily as she sat her gum on the counter. "My mommy said I've been a good girl today so I get candy." She explained.
The man behind the counter smiled, ringing the gum up and handing the gum back to the 13 year old girl. Her mother paid and thanked the clerk and they swiftly left, the bell making a ringing behind them.

The fork clanked against her plate as Blue went for another piece of lettuce. Her father, Henry sat in the chair in front of her as her mother, Jane, sat to her right.

"How'd it go, taking her to therapy?" Henry spoke as if Blue wasn't sitting there.

"It went well, she did slip into the personality of Mittens mid session. She was nervous and stressed the therapist said, that's what triggered Mittens to come out." Jane explained.

The conversation went on, just like every other night, Blue had no input and just sat and listened. Finally finished she pushed her chair out and excused herself. After washing her dish she quickly ran up stairs and prepared for bed. A few minutes later sleep consumed her, the day's events fading away.

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