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"So when are they exactly
suppose to be home?" Blue asked pacing the floor.

"Chill Blue they'll be here any moment. Anyways since we didn't make it to your appointment on Tuesday I scheduled the therapist to come here so we can have a family therapy session thingy."

She nodded only half listening. Mom and dad are coming home today which Blue was very excited for. Even though they didn't leave off on a good note things will be better now, and she missed her mother and father.

She sat on the couch taking a deep breath, the time read 1:02pm.
"So when is Dr.Carter coming?"

"Around 5:00 so mom and dad will be here also." He said getting more comfortable on the couch and returning to his phone.

"Are you going to leave now that their back?" Blue asked frowning.

"Well..." He paused." I was thinking about moving back out here."

"Really?!" She cheered."What about Stella? Didn't she come out here just for you?"

"She can always wait." He shrugged.

Blue smiled feeling all happy inside.

"Hello everyone how are you doing?" Dr.Carter asked the family.

"good." They all replied.

The family was happy to be back together after being apart for some time. Once both parents got home Blue cried, like a baby and everyone laughed. They all shared what their week was like and laughed together then Dr.Carter arrived at 5:00pm exactly.

"Ok then let's get started."

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