Love is infinite

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Days went by and it was finally summer for Blue. To say she was happy was not the right word, she was blithe. Today was the day they had the WHOLE family over with some friends. It has been a while since they've seen the family so what's not better than a get together.

Blue was getting better and so was everyone else. Leo broke up with Stella after finding out that she was cheating on him. Blue being the loving sister she is screamed "told you so" then comforted him. She forced him to get a job and to get out there and mingle even though he protested. Still he was very thankful for his little sister Blue and wanted to make sure that she only got the best.

There sat Blue at the right of her cousin. She smiled looking along the table and felt that she actually found true happiness now, finally after all those dark days. Leo looked at her from across the table smile as big as hers.

"Blue you ok?" Her cousin Maggie asked.

"Yea!" Blue beamed squeezing the younger child in a bear hug.

"Ok let me go now." Maggie gasped taking deep breaths and gave Blue a glare.

"Sorry!" Blue laughed getting up from the table and threw her plate away. The house was crowded but not that crowed with friends and family. Sadly the dinner was a surprise to her so she couldn't invite her friends. Her parents doing a good job at fooling b

As she entered the hallway there stood by the sort was Connor and Layla looking around to find their giddy friend. Blue blinked a couple of times to make sure this was real before they all made eye contact. Standing there for a few seconds she quickly ran up to them, hugging them both with excitement.

"What are you doing here!" She laughed bewildered.

"Well your parents called ours saying that they were doing a thing and that you would love to have us over." Connor said matter o factly.

"J-Jace is out of town-n though and May h-has the flu sadly-ly we're the only ones w-who co-could make it." Layla smiled. She was better now and was seeing a therapist from time to time.

"It's no problem I'm just glad your here, no one told me this!" She looked around trying to spot her parents. "Anyway's follow me we have food in the kitchen."

"Your family isn't vegetarian right?" Connor asked making them laugh.

"We'll have to do this again!" Uncle Steve said to his sister as everyone began leaving saying their goodbyes.

"For sure, it was fun."

Outside Blue walked Layla and Connor out waving goodbye as they got into their cars with their parents.

"So you had a good time?" Leo asked approaching Blue.

"Good doesn't even explain it!" She replied.

Leo chuckles at her excitement as they walked back in the house.

"That was fun wasn't it?" Their dad asked once they got in the house.

"Yes, it's good to see family once in a while." Their mom answered.

'Maybe reality isn't so bad' Blue though to herself.


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