Dont leave me

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4:00pm had past on the clock as Blue still awaited Layla. Thirty minutes later she still was a no show so Blue called her mother, Mrs.Walker. Her heart shattered once Mrs.Walker stated the incident that happened a few hours ago; Layla tried killing herself.

Now Blue sit in the waiting room with Leo by her side.
Her foot tapped as she looked at the time 5:09pm. Why? That was the only thing ringing though out Blues head, how couldn't she see the true pain Layla was in. 'What if she doesn't wake up?' Thought Blue. That pushed her over the edge.

"Hey it's ganna be ok Blue, calm down take deep breaths." Leo tried to help.

"How do you know it's ganna be ok!" Blue shouted getting people's attention in the waiting room. She went back to tapping her foot, wiping the few tears that fell.

"Just hope for the best." he whispered.

'Something that's not existent'

The whispers in her head began as she zoned out, numbing silence was better then nothing.

Mittens pulled Leo along the hall as they neared the cafeteria.

"Come on Leo!" She giggled and tugged on his shirt like a 6 year old.

"Ok, ok I'm coming." He smiled not really knowing what personality this was. He's been gone so long that he was shocked at how his sister changed in an instant.

Leo bought them some gummy worms and they went back to their seats,waiting for the news on Layla. Mittens couldn't be contained in the seat and began talking to some of the strangers in the room, they didn't mind though.

Finally coming back Blue looked around, Leo say to her right emoting small snores. Mrs.Walker walked out of Layla's room and towards the two.
Blue stood up as she approached her, red eyes puff and eyeliner smudged.

"How is she?"

"She's not up but she is in stable condition." Mrs.Walker sniffed.

"Can I go see her?" She nodded and sat in a chair looking a bit tired herself.

Leo say still sound to sleep so Blue walked into the room alone. The heart monitor making the constant beeping noise. Slowly and quietly she closed the door, taking a deep breath she turned around and faces the unconscious Layla. Tears threatened to spill out as she seen the way she was connected to so many wires.

Then things went wrong and the heart monitor began to quicken it's pace. Blue ran out the door calling for help and nurses came rushing in... it was like in the movies where doctors and nurses crowded around the person...dying.

This's real...


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