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It's like riding in the passengers side in a car, you see things but your not driving. That's how it is for Blue she has no control and can only watch. Sometimes though everything is completely dark and she's trapped in her own mind, not knowing what happened.

Before all this her family was happy, sweet, and would get together every once in awhile. Now that barely happens and her family has become strict and afraid of what she can do.

Same thing with her friends, Blue had many and they all hung out. Soon many dropped to 1 because Blue isolated herself from the world. She was home schooled for 6th grade and started going to a public school for 7th, after knowing how to take control, barely. Everyday wasn't like that though and she did have her days, just hoping it would go away.

Blue sat in bed staring at the ceiling not ready for the school day ahead of her. Monday's sucked and she just couldn't seem to escape it, no one could really. The only good part really is seeing her friend, Jess. Blue haven't told Jess about her disorder. She'd told no one because she didn't want to be judge, of course Jess wasn't one to judge but she couldn't risk it. Only a few teachers, the counselor, and the principle knew due to her parents but that's all it would be.

Huffing out a pound sigh she slipped out of bed, walking toward the closet to pull out dark blue jeans and a white shirt. The dress code became boring quick but she had to live with it. Grabbing her undergarments she walked towards the bathroom and started the shower water. She scrunched her brows and the whispers in her head began, getting louder and louder. The unpredictability of school getting to her, bringing up unwanted opinions.

'Don't go'
'Act sick'
'There's always the option of death'

Blue shook the thoughts away before any unwanted 'people' came from the depths of her mind. Quickly she jumped in the shower ignoring the growing headache.

"Have a nice day sweetie!" Jane mom said pulling up to the school. Blue waved a goodbye and walked though the double doors instantly dreading the day.

Turning the corner she meet up with Jess and her group. They were your typical 'I don't care what you say' group. They were into supernatural things, staying out of the box as much as they could.  Blue wasn't really into what they were so she just gravitated more to Jess. Jess understood and they would trade off with things, making it fun for them to do things they both like. She gave Jess a smile and waved to the small group.

"Blue I'm so happy your here." Jess smiled." Today if your not doing anything after school we should go to anime club since you've never been."
Blue shrugged, uncomfortable with the idea. She just really wanted to go home after school. The whispers began again as Blue was conflicted with her own thoughts.

"I'll consider it." She decided the smile on her face disappearing.

"Yay! Great, well I'll see you in science!" Jess having Blue a quick hug as the bell rang and the hallways cleared out.

Blue didn't want to lose the only friend she had really so of course she was going to say yes. 

'You're a follower'
'What a shame, doesn't even know how to say no'
'Toughen up a little'

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