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Blue walked home counting the lines in the sidewalk. Thinking back to what Conner had said.

"I'm really sorry we, didn't mean to make you fell uncomfortable. We forget your a newbie to the group." he chuckled looking at Blue.

She just sat there and nodded not really knowing how to respond.

"You ok?"

Blue looked at him and smiled, "Yea."

"You seem like a mysterious girl Blue. Everyone got there secrets I guess."

"What your's?" She asked not thinking before she spoke."Um sorry you don't have to answer that."

"It's fine but I will tell you IF you come with us tomorrow after school to my place. Deal?"

He held out his hand for her to shake.
She stared at it for a second and they shook hands."Deal."

Blue smiled to myself, maybe tomorrow they could get to know each other. Opening the door to the house she smelled something burning. Slowly approaching the kitchen Blue heard a voice shouting inappropriate words at the stove.

It was Leo." What are you doing!" She yelled hoping to scare him.

He jumped and whatever was in that pan went all over the and floor. "Blue you scared me."

He had their moms cupcake printed apron on with jeans and a black t-shirt. She rolled my eyes and began to walk up the stairs.


Tripping over the last step she finally made it back downstairs. She pulled her sweater sleeves over her hands and walked into the kitchen. Ponytail waved side to side and she skipped to the refrigerator grabbing some apple juice and going to the living room where Leo now was.

He sat looking down at his phone while the news played on the tv.

"What happened to you last night?" She asked sitting crisscross on the couch opposite to him.

"I stayed out with Stella. I'm sorry I lost track of time."

"Seems like everyone's apologizing today." Mumbled Blue, playing with a loose string on her sweat pants.

"What?" He asked looking up from his phone and over to her.

She sighed" Nothing." Getting up and walked out to the backyard.

The sun was going down as she laid on the outside furniture and opened her juice, maybe things will change.

'Not if you don't change them'
'Yea WE have to change them for the better '
'Or WE'LL be left in the darkness'

"There is no we..." Blue whispered back to the voices as her eyes drifted shut.

Leo came out to the backyard to find Blue fast asleep. He swiftly picked her up and brung her in the house careful not to wake her. Laying her in bed he pulled the covers over her and looked at his little sister. Her face had a frown and her eyebrows furrowed.

'Where did things go wrong.' Leo asked himself but he knew all to well.


Bye all you lovely people!!!!

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