Chapter 1

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Winter was watching the snow fall from her studio apartment window, while drinking tea.

Now that all the chaos in her life was over, she didn't know what to do with herself. Salem had been defeated. She no longer lived in a world that was invaded by Grimm. All she knew was being a specialist in the Atlas military, but that life was now behind her. She was left with nothing more than an ordinary life she had for the last few months now.

*ding dong*

Winter heard the doorbell ring. She put down her cup of tea and walked over to open the front door. As she expected, it was her sister, Weiss.

Winter: "Good evening, sister. It's a pleasure to see you." Winter said.

Weiss: "Good evening, Winter! It's always great to see you." Weiss said.

Winter invited Weiss to come into her apartment. Winter then began to make a cup of tea for Weiss.

Weiss: "Winter, I've been a little concerned about you recently. I don't think it's good for you to always be alone. So, Team RWBY and I had a discussion about it, and we would like to invite you to come out and spend the day the day with us tomorrow." Weiss told Winter.

Winter took a deep breath.

Winter: "I don't know. I feel a bit strange spending the day with your friends." Winter told Weiss.

Weiss gave a disappointed look.

Winter: "Weiss, I truly am happy for you that you have developed such a strong attachment with your team, but I think it's best if I develop my own personal attachments with other people myself." Winter told Weiss.

Weiss: "You're never going to meet anyone if you don't go out though. I know how much you've been through. I know you haven't always been the best with connecting with people, nor have you had that many close connections in your life; but you have to start somewhere." Weiss compassionately explained to Winter.

Winter sighed.

Winter: "I suppose you're right. I guess spending one day out with you and your team tomorrow wouldn't hurt." Winter said.

Weiss smiled at Winter, and Winter smiled back at her.

Winter: "Thank you for thinking about me, Weiss." Winter told Weiss.

Weiss: "Of course. You're my sister. I'm always going to think about you." Weiss told Winter.

Winter and Weiss continued to have a conversation with each other that evening until it started to get late.

Weiss: "It's starting to get late. I should probably start heading back, or Ruby will start to get worried." Weiss told Winter, as she chuckled.

Before leaving, Winter tightly hugged Weiss. She never wanted to let Weiss go again after almost losing her before. She had been far more protective of Weiss ever since what happened that day. The day that Winter thought she lost Weiss forever.

Winter: "I love you, Weiss..." Winter said.

Weiss: "I love you too, Winter..." Weiss said.

Later that night, as Winter was laying in her bed, she was thinking about her current situation. Winter was more than happy that Weiss had her own family - Team RWBY, that meant the world to her; but Winter couldn't help but feel like she wished she had her own "Team RWBY" as well...

Winter: "Life may not have always treated me well, but maybe someday, I'll find someone who's as special to me, as Team RWBY is to Weiss." Winter thought to herself as she fell asleep.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now