Chapter 12

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*The Next Day*

Y/N arrived at Winter's apartment, right before noon.

*ding dong*

Y/N rang Winter's doorbell.

Winter: "You're right on time." Winter said, as she smiled.

Y/N scanned Winter and noticed she was wearing a stylish outfit.

Y/N: "You look stunning!" Y/N exclaimed.

Winter: "Thank you." Winter replied, as she blushed.

Winter invited Y/N into her apartment.

Y/N: "Whoa, this apartment is incredibly clean for someone who lives alone! I have a bad habit myself of keeping my clothes on the floor sometimes, but there doesn't seem to be any clutter in sight! I wonder if she always keeps her apartment clean like this, or if she just wanted to make sure it was extra tidy, because she knew I was coming?" Y/N thought to himself.

Y/N looked around Winter's apartment.

Y/N: "Your apartment is amazingly clean. Not a single empty pizza box, or loose, dirty old sock in sight!" Y/N joked.

Winter facepalmed.

Winter: "I would never allow myself to live like a slob. So, no, I don't keep used food containers, or filthy, old articles of clothing around my living space. That frankly sounds quite disgusting." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N chuckled.

Y/N: "I was just joking around. It's not like I was expecting you to live like a hoarder or anything. It's just that this is probably one of the most clean and organized apartment I've ever been into. I'm amazed with the effort you probably put into keeping it this way!" Y/N explained.

Winter: "It really doesn't take that much effort to live hygienically with dignity, but thank you, I suppose..." Winter replied.

Y/N: "I have a feeling she always keeps her apartment clean like this. I better make sure I tidy up my place before I ever invite her over. If she saw how I usually keep my apartment, I don't think it would leave a very good impression..." Y/N thought to himself.

Winter: "Well, since you're here, let me show you my swords." Winter said.

Winter walked over to a cabinet in the corner, and took out a wooden case.

Winter: "Here it is." Winter told Y/N, as she opened the case to demonstrate the sword.

Y/N: "Whoa, incredible..." Y/N said, as he scanned the sword.

Winter: "Would you like to hold it?" Winter asked.

Y/N: "I can... Hold it?? Really??" Y/N asked, in complete surprise.

Winter nodded.

Winter: "Of course." Winter replied, as she smiled.

Y/N grabbed the sword. He then tried posing in different stances with it, which entertained Winter, and caused her to giggle a bit.

Y/N: "It's heavier than it looks!" Y/N exclaimed.

Winter: "Well, swords that are made out of light, cheap plastic don't exactly do much damage." Winter sarcastically teased.

Y/N: "Hey, you made it sound like you had more than one sword. You also said you used to duel-wield swords. What happened to the other sword?" Y/N asked.

Winter took the sword, and demonstrated that one sword comes out of the other.

Y/N: "Oh, I see. It's a two-in-one!" Y/N exclaimed.

Y/N held on to one of the swords, and Winter took the other, and they had a pretend sword fight.

Winter: "Your form is off, and you prioritize defensive blocking far more than offensive striking. If this were a real sword fight, I would have instantly finished you!" Winter critiqued.

Y/N: "Then I guess it's a good thing this wasn't a real sword fight." Y/N joked.

Winter put the swords away, and Y/N and Winter got ready to leave Winter's apartment. Right as Y/N and Winter were about to leave though, Y/N noticed Winter grabbing an umbrella.

Y/N: "Hey, why are you taking an umbrella? It's sunny today!" Y/N asked.

Winter: "The forecast this morning said it was supposed to rain later today. I would like to be prepared." Winter replied.

Y/N: "Well, ok then." Y/N said.

Y/N and Winter left Winter's apartment, and headed toward the center of town.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now