Chapter 3

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*The Next Morning*

Y/N woke up early in the morning to get ready for work.

Y/N: "Another boring, uneventful day." Y/N thought to himself as he got ready.

He rode his bicycle to the local cafe where he works, and started his shift.

Y/N always starts the first half of his shift working in the kitchen, and then spends the second half of his shift in the front, taking customers' orders.

After working the first half of his shift, Y/N heard his manager call him.

Y/Manager at the cafe: "Mr. Y/Last N, I'm going to need you to work up front!" Y/Manager yelled.

Y/N went up front and began cleaning tables. He then began to take orders from customers.

After about a half hour of working up front, the front door to the cafe opened, and Y/N saw a guest arrive who he would have never imagined seeing...

Y/N: "Is that..?? Winter Schnee????" Y/N thought to himself in complete surprise.

Y/N watched Winter as she sat at a small table right in front of a window. It looks like she brought a book with her. Y/N tried to look at the title of the book. The book was called "Cold Heart. Hot Love".

Y/N: "I wonder what she's doing here by herself?" Y/N thought to himself.

Y/N rushed over to take Winter's order.

Y/N: "Good afternoon, Miss Schnee! It's a pleasure to be serving you today." Y/N greeted Winter in his most polite voice.

Winter: "Excuse me? Have we met?" Winter asked.

Y/N: "No, I don't believe we have." Y/N replied.

Winter: "Then how do you know my last name?" Winter asked.

Y/N: "Well, you're Winter Schnee! You were the former heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. You're also the Winter Maiden. Everyone knows who you are!" Y/N excitedly explained.

Winter: "So it seems..." Winter replied with a slightly annoyed tone.

Y/N noticed Winter looked annoyed. He hoped he didn't say anything that rubbed her the wrong way.

Y/N: "I get the impression she doesn't like being treated like some sort of celebrity. I guess I don't blame her. Maybe I shouldn't have come across the way I did." Y/N thought to himself.

Winter: "Anyway, I'm going to order a green tea and those special strawberry jelly cookies this cafe is known for." Winter placed her order.

Y/N: "Of course, right away!" Y/N replied.

After taking Winter's order, Y/N carefully prepared Winter's order, and brought it to her. He then resumed his work for the last hour of his shift.

When Y/N was done with his shift, he noticed Winter was still sitting at the same table reading the book that she brought.

Y/N: "She's still here. I wonder if I should try talking with her? I don't want to bother her though, and I already don't think I left the best first impression." Y/N thought to himself.

Y/N continued to watch Winter.

Y/N: "I don't think having conversation with her for a little while would hurt though. What's the worst that could happen?" Y/N continued to think to himself.

Y/N approached Winter.

Y/N: "Hey... Um... I know this may seem a little strange, but I noticed you were here by yourself, and I thought you might enjoy some company. If you don't mind, that is..." Y/N said.

Winter scanned Y/N, and gave an earnest look.

Winter: "I suppose, since I'm currently not doing anything else..." Winter replied with a stern tone.

Y/N hesitantly gave an unsure smile and took a seat at her table.

Y/N: "So, if you don't mind me asking. What brought you here to this cafe here today? I mean, I've never seen you here before." Y/N asked.

Winter: "My sister and her friends went out today. They invited me to go along with them, but I saw this cafe while I was walking with them, and decided to spend some time alone to myself now instead." Winter replied.

Y/N: "Well, it's nice to finally be able to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from other people, and I always thought it would be nice to get to know you firsthand." Y/N said.

Winter: "You mean, because you know I came from a wealthy and powerful family, and you want some of that for yourself? Is that it? If so, then you're no different than anyone else who claims to want to get to know me!" Winter angrily explained.

Y/N: "No, no! You've got it all wrong! I don't care about your money or power. I genuinely thought you would be an interesting person to get to know. From my limited knowledge I have about you, that is." Y/N explained.

Winter: "Oh, I see... I apologize for the misunderstanding then..." Winter said.

Y/N: "It's ok. I understand. It must be frustrating that people only want to get to know you, because you have money and power, rather than showing interest in you as an actual person. I'm sorry if I came across as one of those many types of people who have harassed you before." Y/N said.

Winter sighed.

Winter: "Even if you did only want to get to know me for money and power, I don't have as much as you think. I distanced myself from my family name, and no longer have access to any of my family's wealth. I used to be in a high position in the military, but I defected for many reasons. So, I'm nothing more than just a regular civilian now." Winter explained.

Y/N: "Oh... Then I guess you're just like me now then. I mean, I was never a former heir, or in a high position in the military or anything, but I'm also just a regular civilian. I meant what I said before though, I don't care how rich or powerful you are, I genuinely do want to get to know you." Y/N said.

Winter gave Y/N a very slight smile. Y/N smiled back.

Winter: "Alright then, let's spend this afternoon getting to know each other then." Winter said.

Y/N and Winter spent a few hours in the cafe having a conversation with each other about all different things. Y/N normally felt bored talking to most people, but this was the first time in a long time he actually really enjoyed having a conversation with someone. He instantly felt a connection with Winter, and listening to her interested him.

As Y/N and Winter were talking, Team RWBY were walking past the cafe and saw the both of them talking with each other through the window.

Blake: "Hey, Weiss? Isn't that your sister in that cafe?" Blake asked.

Yang: "Oooohh, and she's with a guy! Quite a handsome one too!" Yang exclaimed.

Ruby: "Weiss! You didn't tell us your sister has a boyfriend!" Ruby exclaimed.

Weiss: "My sister doesn't have a boyfriend! That person she's talking with is probably just someone who she knew from school, or someone who she used to work with, and they just happened to run into each other." Weiss said.

Blake: "Well, whoever he is, your sister seems pretty invested in that conversation she's having with him." Blake said.

Y/N and Winter both looked out the window, and saw Team RWBY staring at them from outside.

Winter: "I guess I should get going." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "It was really nice meeting you. Am I going to get to see you again?" Y/N asked Winter.

Winter: "If I'm ever back in this area, I'll stop back here again." Winter replied.

Y/N: "I'd like that." Y/N said as he smiled.

Y/N watched Winter as she left the cafe and joined Team RWBY waiting for her outside. He watched them as they were walking away.

Y/N: "I hope I get the chance to see her again..." Y/N thought to himself.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now