Chapter 6

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*The Next Day*

Y/N was at work, and for the third day in a row, Winter showed up again!

Y/N: "She's back again! She really does enjoy spending time with me!" Y/N happily thought to himself.

Winter sat at the same table that Y/N and herself have been sitting at.

Y/N: "Good afternoon, Winter! It's always a treat to see you after I'm done with work." Y/N said.

Winter: "It's always a delight to see you as well, Y/N." Winter replied.

Y/N: "You know, this is the third day in a row we've seen each other. Is it alright if we exchange phone numbers?" Y/N asked.

Y/N took his phone out of his pocket.

Y/N: "It would be a shame if something unexpected happened to one of us, and we don't know how the other is doing. Seeing each other everyday is starting to become like our daily routine now. In all honesty, if you just randomly stopped talking with me, and stopped coming here, I'd worry about you." Y/N explained.

Winter: "Of course. I would appreciate having a way to contact you myself, as well." Winter replied.

Y/N and Winter gave each other their phone numbers. As Winter was holding her phone, Y/N noticed something.

Y/N: "Hey, I just noticed... You're left-handed!" Y/N exclaimed.

Winter: "Is that a problem?" Winter sarcastically snickered.

Y/N: "No no, not at all. It's just, you know... Left-handed people are more rare than right-handed people, like myself." Y/N said.

Winter: "I'm actually ambidextrous. I'm naturally left-handed, and generally prefer using my left hand for tasks, such as writing or scrolling through my phone, but I'm able to equally use both my hands. Sometimes though, I'll switch and use my right hand for certain tasks. I used to duel wield swords, which took a lot of skill using both hands. So I alternated using both hands for everyday projects, as a form of practicing." Winter explained.

Y/N: "What?! No way! You used to duel wield swords, AND you can equally use both your hands?" Y/N exclaimed.

Winter: "I did. I can also prove to you that I can use both my hands." Winter replied.

Y/N: "I'd like to see that." Y/N said.

Winter took a pocket-sized notebook and pen out of the small purse she had on her, and began writing something. Winter wrote an entire paragraph with her left hand, and then wrote an entire separate paragraph with her right hand.

Y/N: "Wow, she has incredibly neat handwriting!" Y/N thought to himself.

Winter dropped her pen and smirked at Y/N.

Y/N: "Whoa! Cool! I've never met anyone who could write with both their hands so neatly!" Y/N exclaimed.

Winter gave a confident smile.

Y/N: "You know? I bet I can write well with my non-dominant hand if I try hard enough." Y/N boasted.

Winter: "Well then. Let's take a look." Winter snickered.

Y/N took the notebook and pen from Winter and attempted to write something with his left hand.

Y/N: "How does this look?" Y/N asked.

Y/N's handwriting with his non-dominant hand looked like a Kindergartener's handwriting.

Winter, someone who was notorious for being an extremely stoic woman. Someone who had always been known by others for not smiling very often, let alone laughing, put her hand over her mouth and began giggling.

Winter: "That looks awful." Winter teased, as she continued to giggle as she covered her mouth.

Y/N: "Oh, come on! It's not THAT funny!" Y/N said.

Winter: "Please excuse me. I forgot that not everyone can write well with both their hands." Winter said, as she stopped giggling, but continued to smile.

Y/N playfully pouted, but didn't mind being teased, because it entertained Winter.

Y/N: "You know, I would love for you to show me your swords sometime." Y/N asked.

Winter: "I haven't used them in a while, but I would be more than happy to show them to you. They were an important part of my past." Winter replied.

Y/N: "I can only imagine...." Y/N said.

Winter: "Many people see weapons as tools of destruction, but I always saw my swords an extension of myself used to protect others. I probably wouldn't be alive today if I didn't have my swords." Winter explained.

Y/N: "That's an interesting perspective. I would love to learn more about how you used to use them, and the history behind them." Y/N replied.

Winter: "You know... I've never met anyone who's shown an interest in my swords before. Everyone I've ever known had either had their own weapons, and therefore, didn't care to learn more about mine, or just didn't care about anything to do with weapons in general. My swords are my prized possessions though, as well as even a part of myself." Winter continued to explain.

Y/N: "I'm surprised! Swords are awesome! Who wouldn't want to learn more about swords? There are so many cool video game characters who use swords, and you got to use them in real life! Besides, I meant what I said - that I was interested to learn about you. If your swords are important to you, then that makes me even more interested to learn about them, rather than if they just belonged to any other person." Y/N explained.

Winter: "You really are interested in learning about me. I'm quite flattered." Winter smiled, and lightly blushed.

Y/N: "Who wouldn't want to learn more about you? You're phenomenal." Y/N told Winter as he looked at her directly in the eyes, held her hand on the table, and smiled.

Like the previous two days, Y/N and Winter continued to into that evening.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now