Chapter 15

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As Y/N and Winter were walking along a sidewalk back to Winter's apartment, Y/N saw a car heading in their direction.

Y/N: "Look out!!" Y/N yelled, as he pushed Winter out of the way.


The car drove straight through a huge puddle of muddy water right where Y/N and Winter were walking, and Y/N got completely soaked.

Winter: "Y/N!! Are you ok??" Winter screamed with a concerned tone.

Y/N: "I'm fine. Just very wet..." Y/N replied.

Winter: "Thank you, for pushing me out of the way." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "It's ok. I just didn't want you to get soaked as well." Y/N said.

Winter: "When we get to my apartment. We'll immediately get you dried off, and I prepare a warm beverage for you. You'll get sick if you stay in those wet clothes for too long." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "Thank you, Winter." Y/N said.

Y/N and Winter continued to walk, until they finally arrived at Winter's apartment building.

Y/N: "I'm dipping wet. I don't want to track water all over your apartment." Y/N told Winter.

Winter: "Don't let that concern you. We just need to take care of getting you dry right now." Winter replied.

Y/N and Winter went inside Winter's apartment.

Y/N: "I don't have any other clothes or anything. What am I supposed to do?" Y/N asked.

Winter walked over to her linen closet, and grabbed a towel.

Winter: "Here. You can dry yourself off with this." Winter told Y/N, as she handed him the towel.

Y/N: "Oh, ok. Thank you." Y/N replied.

Y/N took his shirt off, and began drying himself with the towel.

Winter gazed at Y/N's bare body - his chest, his abs, his arms; and her face turned bright red, as she bit her lower lip. Winter was not expecting what she saw. She had never seen such a hot body before.

Y/N: "This shirt is soaked, where should I leave it?" Y/N asked, as he was holding the dripping shirt.

Winter: "..."

Y/N noticed Winter staring at him.

Y/N: "Is something wrong? Was I not supposed to get undressed here?? I'm sorry! I should have went into another room! I wasn't thinking!" Y/N exclaimed.

Y/N mistook Winter's interest in his body, for thinking she was upset with him for getting undressed in front of her.

Winter: "It's fine..." Winter awkwardly replied, while trying to avoid looking at Y/N's bare body.

Y/N didn't seem convinced.

Winter took a few seconds to realize Y/N was still holding the dripping shirt .

Winter: "Your shirt. Yes. I'll take it and hang it by the heater to dry." Winter told Y/N, while trying her best not to stare at his bare body.

Winter took the shirt, and put it by the heater.

Y/N kept the towel Winter gave him around his neck.

Y/N: "I hope this isn't a problem with you, but is it alright if I stay here a little while? At least until I dry off more?" Y/N asked.

Winter: "I wouldn't mind at all. In fact... I would prefer you stay here a little while..." Winter replied, as she smiled.

*one hour later*

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now