Chapter 7

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*The Next Morning*

As Winter was waking up, she heard the doorbell ring.

*ding dong*

Winter rolled out of bed to answer the door. Weiss was back.

Weiss: "Good morning, Winter!" Weiss said.

Winter: "Good morning to you, sister." Winter replied as she yawned.

Winter invited Weiss into her apartment. Weiss saw that Winter was still in her pajamas.

Weiss: "It's not like you to sleep in. Are you alright?" Weiss asked.

Winter: "I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep last night. I had a lot on my mind." Winter replied.

Weiss: "I just wanted to tell you that Team RWBY and I are going out of town today, would you like me to pick up anything for you while we're away?" Weiss asked.

Winter: "No thank you, Weiss. I'm just going to go back to the cafe again today." Winter replied.

Weiss: "Again? You've been going there every day since you went out with Team RWBY and I the other day. Are you going there to see Y/N?" Weiss asked.

Winter: "Well, Y/N is a pleasure to spend time with; but I also appreciate the cozy atmosphere of that cafe. I enjoy going there to relax." Winter replied.

Weiss: "Ok... If you say so..." Weiss replied, not believing what Winter was telling her.

Winter could tell Weiss didn't seem convinced.

Winter: "Do you think I'm revolving my entire life around a man?" Winter sternly asked.

Weiss: "Well, you bring him up every time I talk with you now." Weiss replied.

Winter: "Really..?" Winter replied with genuine surprise.

Weiss: "Everytime we talk to each other now, no matter what we talk about, you bring him up. It's not a bad thing though. I'm honestly happy that you're getting close with someone. It's good for you." Weiss told Winter.

Winter gave Weiss an unsettled look.

Weiss: "Winter, can I ask you a serious question?" Weiss asked.

Winter slightly nodded her head.

Weiss: "Do you think you're developing romantic feelings for Y/N?" Weiss asked.

Winter's eyes widened.

Winter: "What? No! Absolutely not! How could you ask me such a thing, Weiss?" Winter angrly snapped.

Weiss: "Well to start, you seem extremely defensive." Weiss told Winter.

Winter: "Weiss, you know I don't like being accused of things that aren't true." Winter said.

Weiss: "Ok. I'm sorry I asked..." Weiss said.

Winter sighed.

Winter: "It's alright." Winter replied.

Weiss: "Well, I should probably get going. Team RWBY and I are leaving soon." Weiss said.

Winter: "Have a pleasant day, sister." Winter said.

After Weiss left, Winter began thinking to herself. She was analyzing the conversations she's been having with Weiss. After thinking about it, Winter started to realize that she was bringing up Y/N in conversations with Weiss quite a lot.

Winter: "I just think he's enjoyable to spend time with. There's nothing more to it. He's a friend! That's it! Nothing more!" Winter frustratingly thought to herself.

Winter started to get ready for the day ahead of her.

Winter: "It's completely absurd to allow myself to develop romantic feelings toward anyone. I just bring him up a lot to Weiss, because I see him everyday now. Is it not normal to talk about someone who you see everyday?" Winter continued to frustratingly think to herself.

*Later That Day*

Winter returned to the cafe at the same time that she has gone for the past few days to see Y/N again.

She kept thinking about what Weiss asked her. It had been on her mind all day.

Y/N: "Another day I get to see you again!" Y/N exclaimed to Winter as he saw her entering the cafe.

Winter: "Always a pleasure to see you, Y/N." Winter replied, as she gave a slight smile, and a distracted look.

Y/N ended his shift. Winter sat at the table that herself and Y/N always sit at, and Y/N joined her a minute later after he got his stuff.

Y/N: "I read one time, that people tend to take the most pictures of people or things that they're afraid of losing. Seeing you has becoming my favorite part of my day now. I'd miss seeing you if you ever decided to stop visiting me here one day, so I would like to have at least one picture of us, so I can always remember how much I enjoyed spending time with you. If that's alright with you that is." Y/N told Winter.

Winter: "I wouldn't mind at all." Winter replied.

Y/N wrapped his arm around Winter and took a selfie with her.

Y/N: "I'm going to send you this picture, so you'll remember me too." Y/N told Winter.

Winter looked at the picture of the two of them on her phone, smiled and blushed.

Y/N: "I hope you like how it came out." Y/N said.

Winter: "It looks... Sensational. I'm going to treasure this photo." Winter said, as she gave another slight smile, but continued to look distracted.

Y/N: "Is something wrong? You seem distracted today." Y/N asked.

Winter: "I've just thinking about a question my sister asked me this morning. It's nothing important though." Winter replied.

Y/N: "If you don't mind, maybe you can tell me what the question was about. Maybe, I can help you." Y/N said.

Winter: "Thank you, Y/N. Unfortunately though, this isn't a topic I can talk with you about." Winter said.

Y/N: "Oh. I see. That's alright." Y/N said.

Y/N looked away from Winter.

Y/N: "I wonder what's on her mind. I probably shouldn't think too much about it. I just wish I can help though. Whatever she's thinking about seems to really be distracting her. I hope it's nothing I said or did." Y/N thought to himself.

Winter: "My apologies, Y/N, but I'm afraid I'm going to cut our time today short." Winter said as she got up from her seat.

Y/N was disappointed. He loved spending time with Winter.

Y/N: "It's ok. I understand. Please, let me know if there's anything I can do to help though." Y/N told Winter.

Winter quickly left the cafe. The time Y/N and Winter spent was much shorter than usual that day.

As Winter headed home, she only had one thought on here mind.

Winter: "Why do I feel this way about him? Could Weiss... Be right..?" Winter thought to herself.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now