Chapter 14

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As Y/N and Winter were walking around town, they walked past a restaurant.

Y/N: "Hey, look! A sushi restaurant! Do you like sushi?" Y/N asked.

Winter: "I've never eaten sushi before." Winter replied.

Y/N: "Really?? I'm surprised! I assumed you've tried all sorts of fancy food throughout your life, and sushi is pretty popular nowadays." Y/N said.

Winter: "I have eaten gourmet food for most of my life, primary from my personal chefs. My family just never had a sushi chef..." Winter explained.

Y/N: "Why don't we try this place then? Maybe you'll end up really liking sushi; and if you don't like it, I'll take you to another restaurant with food that you do like, to make up for it next time we go out. How does that sound?" Y/N asked.

Winter: "Alright then. I suppose I could try sushi from this place." Winter replied.

Y/N and Winter were seated in the restaurant.

Y/N: "Do you know how to properly hold chopsticks?" Y/N asked, as he demonstrated holding his chopsticks.

Winter held the chopsticks perfectly with her left hand.

Y/N: "Hm, not bad. I bet you can't hold them as well with your right hand though." Y/N teased.

Winter tried to use the chopsticks with her right hand, but she struggled.

Y/N: "Heheh, looks like you can't do everything equally well with both your hands." Y/N chuckled.

Winter: "I can use both these hands to poke you with these chopsticks if you continue to purposely look for stuff I'm not skilled at to tease me about." Winter sassily replied.

Y/N: "Aw, I was just just messing with you! You're the one who said you can equally use both your hands. I was only testing you. It's not my fault you look ridiculous when you use chopsticks with your right hand." Y/N continued to tease.

Winter pouted. She was never fond of being toyed with. Y/N on the other hand, was quite amused by playfully messing with Winter.

Y/N: "Oh, I forgot to ask you... Do you, drink? I mean, drink alcoholic drinks like wine or anything?" Y/N asked.

Winter closed her eyes and sighed.

Winter: "I don't normally like talking about it, but..." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N leaned in closer toward Winter, out of interest.

Winter: "My mother is an alcoholic. I would prefer not to go into too much detail about it, at least not at this moment, but because I experienced how it affected her secondhand - I try to avoid drinking alcoholic drinks myself. I would never want to allow myself to fall down the path that she has. Besides, when I was in the military, I was always busy and constantly had to be on high alert, at all times, so I could never risk allowing myself to ever get a little tipsy, even if I did want to." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "Oh..." Y/N replied.

Winter turned away.

Y/N: "I'm sorry I made you feel like you had to talk about something that makes you feel uncomfortable. I was only asking, because I thought you would have wanted to order wine, or something." Y/N told Winter.

Winter: "It's fine." Winter replied.

The waiter arrived at Y/N and Winter's table to take their order. After the waiter left, Y/N and Winter carried on talking.

Y/N: "So, it looks like you ordered the variety combo. That means, you're going to try all different types of sushi!" Y/N exclaimed.

Winter: "I figured I would try a little bit of everything. That way, I have a better idea of what I like and what I don't." Winter said, as she smiled at Y/N.

Y/N: "That's pretty smart. I mean, if you only ordered one type of sushi, and you don't like it, then you'll think all sushi tastes like that one that you don't like." Y/N said.

After some time, time waiter arrived with Y/N and Winter's food.

Winter: "This looks... Interesting..." Winter said.

Y/N: "Don't tell me you've never even seen sushi before!" Y/N exclaimed.

Winter: "Of course I have! Just, only in pictures..." Winter said.

Y/N: "Well then..." Y/N said.

Winter tried the sushi.

Winter: "This... Is delicious." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "I'm glad you like it. I always love introducing people to new food. Especially if it's new food they end up really liking." Y/N replied.

Winter: "I wonder what this mushy green sushi on the side here tastes like?" Winter said, as she picked up the substance with her chopsticks.

Y/N: "Don't eat that! That's not sushi! That's wasabi!!" Y/N yelled out loud.

Winter: "Wasabi?" Winter asked, as she confusedly looked at it.

Y/N: "It's that stuff that usually comes with sushi. You're not supposed to eat a big glob of it by itself though. You would have burned your mouth out..." Y/N explained.

Winter: "I see. I'll take note of that for future reference." Winter said.

Y/N and Winter finished their food, and left the restaurant. As they left the restaurant, they saw it was raining.

Y/N: "Hey, you were right. It's starting to downpour." Y/N said.

Winter opened her umbrella.

Winter: "Here, stand close to me so we can share the umbrella together. I don't want either of us to get wet." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N and Winter shared the umbrella together on their way back to Winter's apartment.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now