Chapter 11

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*The Next Day*

Y/N and Winter met at the cafe at the same time they always do, after Y/N's shift was over, and sat at the same table.

Winter: "I wanted to apologize, for walking out on you so suddenly yesterday..." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "Hey, it's not a big deal. It's alright. I was honestly just a bit worried that I might have said something stupid that upset you though. It wouldn't have been the first time that I accidentally said something inappropriate to someone." Y/N joked.

Winter: "Oh, no no. I wasn't mad at you or anything. I just... Had a lot on my mind..." Winter said.

Y/N: "Well, whatever you were going through, I hope you were able to resolve it." Y/N told Winter.

Winter smiled at Y/N.

Y/N: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot... I wanted to let you know that tomorrow is my day off. I thought I should let you so you don't come here expecting to see me. I wouldn't want you to think I stood you up, or I'm purposely trying to avoid you or anything." Y/N told Winter.

Winter: "I suppose, I won't be seeing you tomorrow then..." Winter replied, trying to conceal her disappointment.

Y/N: "Hey, just because I'm off doesn't mean we can't still see each other! I was wondering if you would like to spend the day around the town with me tomorrow. I can even treat you to dinner!" Y/N said.

Winter gave a surprised look.

Winter: "Are you... Asking me on a date?" Winter surprisingly asked, as she blushed.

Y/N: "A date?! I didn't really think to call it that. I thought it would just be nice to spend the day together outside this cafe. I mean, we already see each other everyday anyway. I didn't think spending the day together somewhere else would be considered a date." Y/N frantically replied.

Winter: "I see..." Winter sternly replied.

Y/N gave an awkward smile.

Winter: "Well, whatever your preference is to call it, I would be delighted to spend the day with you tomorrow." Winter said.

Sadly, Y/N really never was good at reading people. He mistook Winter's flattery from being treated to a romantic gesture, for thinking she felt uncomfortable with the proposal of going a date - resulting in him denying that he thought of it as a date. Winter had not yet confessed her feelings for Y/N, so Y/N still currently thinks Winter only sees him as a friend. He thinks Winter has no romantic interest in him, and doesn't want to make her feel awkward and uncomfortable with his romantic signals.

Y/N: "So, would you like me to pick you up at your place, or would you like to meet somewhere?" Y/N asked.

Winter thought for a minute.

Winter: "Remember when you said you wanted to learn more about my swords?" Winter asked.

Y/N: "Y-Yeah?" Y/N confusingly replied.

Winter: "How would you like to see them? If you stop by my apartment to pick me up, you can come inside, and I'll show them to you." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "Whoa! Really?! Cool!" Y/N exclaimed.

Y/N's enthusiasm toward Winter's swords made her smile. She loved being able to make Y/N happy with small gestures.

Y/N: "So, is noon ok for you then? For me to pick you up?" Y/N asked.

Winter: "Noon would be perfect." Winter replied.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now