Chapter 4

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*The Night of the Day Winter Met Y/N*

That night, Winter was laying in her bed. She couldn't sleep. She was thinking about Y/N. She couldn't seem to get him off of her mind.

Winter: "It's so silly... I had one conversation with someone for a few hours. Someone who I just met today, and suddenly... I can't seem to get him off my mind. Why is this?" Winter thought to herself with confusion.

Winter rolled in her bed.

Winter: "I was surprised that he genuinely wanted to get to know me. Most people only care about getting to know me, because they just want something from me. Not him though. He still wanted to talk to me, despite me telling him that I'm not as rich or have as much power as I have been known to have. He asked me about my likes and dislikes. He listened to my stories. He seemed to actually enjoy spending time with me." Winter continued to think to herself.

Winter continued to roll in her bed.

Winter: "I've read romance novels, but I've never had romantic feelings or have had romantic experiences myself. These couldn't possibly be romantic feelings... Could they? No... I can't possibly allow myself to develop such feelings. Especially toward someone who I just met. I can't! I won't! How unbelievably ridiculous! I can't believe a thought like that even came across my mind!" Winter frustratingly continued to think to herself.

After consistently thinking about Y/N and replaying the day she spent with him in her head, she finally fell asleep.

*The Next Morning*

Winter woke up feeling well-rested, but she instantly began thinking about Y/N again.

Winter: "I think, Y/N is someone who's just enjoyable to talk with. That's all there is to it. I should just stop thinking about him and leave it at that." Winter thought to herself.

*ding dong*

Winter went to see who was at her front door. Weiss was back.

Weiss: "Good morning, Winter!" Weiss exclaimed.

Winter: Good morning to you, sister." Winter replied.

Winter invited Weiss in her apartment.

Weiss: "I wanted to ask you, who were you talking with in that cafe yesterday?" Weiss asked.

Winter: "Oh, him? His name is Y/N. He works at that cafe. When he saw I was by myself, he asked if I wanted company, and we started talking with each other." Winter explained.

Weiss: "Team RWBY and I were surprised to see you having a leisurely conversation with someone. Usually, you only talk to people if it's work-related, or you push them away." Weiss said.

Winter: "I'm aware of that. I wasn't interested in talking with Y/N at first. I thought he was just going to be yet another person after the Schnee wealth, but when I told him my situation - how I'm not rich and powerful anymore, he still wanted to have a conversation with me. Unlike how I feel toward everyone else, I didn't want to push him away. I was actually interested to get to know him, like he was interested to get to know me. I felt naturally drawn to him, after he admitted he wanted to know me as a person, rather than have anything to do with the Schnee name." Winter explained.

Weiss: "If you enjoyed spending time with him, maybe you should go back to that cafe today and see him again. If he meant what he said - that he wants to get to know you better, then he should be happy to see you again." Weiss said.

Winter: "Well, it's not like I'm doing much lately. I suppose I could go back today, and see if he's there. I don't think there's anything to lose." Winter said.

Weiss smiled at Winter.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now