Chapter 5

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*The Same Day as When Winter and Weiss Spoke With Each Other That Morning*

Y/N woke up early in the morning to get ready for work.

As Y/N was getting ready for work, he couldn't stop thinking about Winter. The time he spent with her may have been brief, but it was the most invested he was into someone in a long time.

He rode his bicycle to the local cafe where he works, and started his shift.

Y/N carried on working like he usually does, but he was secretly hoping Winter would come back. He was distracted all day, and kept checking the front door of the cafe, hoping she was going to walk in.

Y/N's work shift was coming to an end, and Winter didn't show up all day.

Y/N: "I was a fool to think she was going to come back today. She was just here yesterday. Plus, she said she only came here, because her sister and friends were spending the day out, and she just wanted time to herself. Why would she come out of her way to come back here? Besides, we just met yesterday. It's silly to think she would go out of her way to visit a cafe worker who she just met yesterday." Y/N thought to himself.

Y/N continued doing miscellaneous work tasks.

Y/N: "Still though... I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. What if I never see her again? I didn't even get her phone number or anything." Y/N continued to think to himself.

The last five minutes of Y/N's shift, while he was cleaning tables...

He heard the front door of the cafe open, and glanced up to see who it was, did a double take, and stared in disbelief.

Y/N: "No way! It can't be!" Y/N thought to himself.

Winter was back!

Unlike yesterday though, Y/N noticed that Winter didn't bring a book with her this time. Winter sat at the same table that her and Y/N sat at yesterday.

Y/N: "Could she be back, because she wanted to spend time with me again? No. I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Maybe her sister and friends decided to come back to the area, and she came along and decided to stop back here again? I don't know. It sure is a coincidence though that she would come back, right when I'm about to end my work shift." Y/N analyzed the situation.

Without further thinking, Y/N rushed over to Winter to greet her.

Y/N: "Miss. Schnee! Welcome back! It's good to see you again!" Y/N greeted Winter.

Winter: "I appreciate your politeness, but please, you can just call me Winter. We're not in a professional setting. You don't need to be so formal with me." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "Oh, of course. Then, I'll just call you Winter from now on." Y/N said.

Winter gave a slight smile at Y/N.

Winter: "It's a pleasure to see you again as well, Y/N." Winter said.

Y/N went to get his stuff, as his work shift had just ended, and went right back to Winter.

Y/N: "What brings you back here today? If you don't mind me asking." Y/N asked.

Winter: "I enjoyed the strawberry cookies this cafe has. I thought I would spend the afternoon trying other types of cookies this cafe has to offer." Winter replied.

Y/N: "Oh. I see..." Y/N replied with a disappointed tone, and an awkward smile.

Y/N: "Is she really just here for the cookies, or is she just saying that, but actually wants to spend time with me again? I really can't tell... If she didn't want to spend time with me though, why would she come here right before my work shift ends? I'm sure the time she chose to come here wasn't a coincidence. She knows this is the exact time I ended my shift yesterday." Y/N thought to himself.

Winter: "Besides... I enjoyed your company yesterday. I thought you wouldn't mind joining me again for another conversation this afternoon, over some tea and cookies." Winter told Y/N as she gave a slight smile.

Y/N pointed to himself with a confused look.

Y/N: " Enjoy my company? Really??" Y/N exclaimed in a surprised tone. 

Winter: "You seem surprised." Winter said in a serious tone.

Y/N: "No, I mean, I really like your company too; and I would absolutely love to spend time with you again this afternoon. I'm just surprised, but in a good way! I didn't think I was that interesting to talk with." Y/N replied.

Winter: "I think you're interesting to talk with. Besides, when you spend your entire life around elites and military personnel, like myself, it's refreshing to mingle with ordinary people. I enjoy having casual conversations about everyday life instead of always about work and responsibilities, like most of my life has always been. Believe it or not, it's more enjoyable for me to talk about subjects, like different types of food we enjoy, rather than military-related duties - or stuff you would probably define as more interesting. Believe me, it gets old after a while." Winter explained.

Y/N: "Oh. I guess I didn't see it that way. Your life really has been a lot different than mine, when you put it that way." Y/N said.

Y/N took a seat at Winter's table, and they spent the rest of that day into that evening having another conversation with each other.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now