Chapter 18

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Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait, but it's finally here! ~

*Later That Day*

Y/N just ended his work shift, but noticed Winter didn't come at the time she normally does. 

Y/Friend: "So, where's Winter today?" Y/Friend asked.

Y/N: "I don't know. She said she would be here." Y/N replied. 

Y/Friend: "Maybe she's just running late?" Y/Friend told Y/N. 

Y/N: "No, that can't be. Winter NEVER runs late for anything, ever. She takes punctuality very seriously." Y/N explained.

Y/N glanced over at the clock on the wall, and then at the front door again - like he has been doing for the past half hour.

 Y/N: "I think I'm going to call her." Y/N said.  

Y/N pulled out his phone and called Winter.

*ring ring*

There was no answer. 

Y/N: "She's not answering her phone. I think I'm going to head over to her apartment to see if everything is alright." Y/N told Y/Friend.

Y/Friend: "Don't you think that's going a bit far? There could be hundreds of possibilities why she's not here. Maybe she's just busy doing something and her phone died?" Y/Friend explained. 

Y/N: "Well... It's better to be safe than sorry. I'll only check on her this one time, and if I find out she was busy doing something else, or doesn't want me unexpectedly showing up at her apartment, I won't do it again." Y/N explained.

Y/Friend: "Alright, you do what you want." Y/Friend said. 

Y/N left the cafe and headed over to Winter's apartment. As soon as he arrived he rang the doorbell. It wasn't Winter who answered the opened the door though... 

It was Weiss!

Weiss: Y/N..? What are you doing here?" Weiss asked.

Y/N: "You're... Weiss? Winter's sister? Where's Winter?" Y/N asked. 

Weiss: "sssshhhh... Winter's asleep. We'll talk outside. I'll explain everything." Weiss replied as she whispered. 

Y/N and Weiss headed outside and sat on a bench outside of Winter's apartment. 

Weiss: "Shortly after you left to go to work this morning, Winter called me and told me she was feeling a bit lightheaded. When I got to her apartment, she opened the door and passed out shortly after." Weiss explained.

Y/N: "Oh, no! That's awful!" Y/N exclaimed.

Weiss: "It turned out she had gotten sick with a fever." Weiss said. 

Y/N: "Oh... That means she must have caught whatever illness I had when she was taking care of me when I was sick... I feel terrible about this... I wasn't here to take care of her..." Y/N explained.

Weiss: "Don't beat yourself up. Winter would have wanted you to go to work instead of worrying about taking care of her. Besides, I was here, and I took care of everything. Winter always took care of me, growing up. Now it's my turn to return the favor." Weiss explained.

Y/N: "Well... As long as Winter is ok now..." Y/N said. 

Weiss: "She'll be fine. Winter very rarely gets sick, but when she does, she usually bounces back pretty quickly." Weiss explained.

Y/N: "That's good to know." Y/N replied.

Y/N perked up with a sudden sense of realization.

Y/N: "I just realized! After all this, I never got to properly introduce myself to you! As it seems like you already know, I'm Y/N." Y/N introduced himself to Weiss.

Weiss: "Oh, I already know very well who you are. Winter has told me all about you." Weiss told Y/N.

Y/N: "Is that so..?" Y/N smiled, as he slightly blushed. 

Weiss nodded her head.

Y/N: "What kind of stuff did she tell you about me? I hope it was only positive." Y/N asked as he joked. 

Weiss: "That's... Only kept between us sisters." Weiss replied, as she grinned.

Y/N: "Alright, that's fair. I guess I'll just have to find out on my own then!" Y/N exclaimed.

Weiss: "Good luck with that. Getting information out of Winter is probably the hardest thing you'll ever try to do." Weiss told Y/N, as she playfully giggled. 

Y/N: "I'm up for a challenge!" Y/N replied.

Weiss: "If you say so." Weiss said, as she continued grinning.

Y/N: "You know... Winter told me about you too. About how important you are to her. I saw you outside the cafe with your friends, the day I first met Winter. I could tell right away you two were related. You both share a strong resemblance." Y/N explained. 

Weiss: "We get that a lot. The Schnee blood runs strong." Weiss replied. 

Y/N: "Anyway, I think I'm going to stay here. You don't think Winter will mind, do you?" Y/N asked.

Weiss: "I think that would cheer her up. After all, she hates being sick more than anything, and she was really disappointed she wasn't able to see you at the cafe today." Weiss said.

Y/N: "Alright then, I'll take care of everything from here." Y/N told Weiss.

Weiss: "Ok then, I'm going to head home. It was nice to finally meet you, Y/N." Weiss said.

Y/N "It was nice to finally meet you too, Weiss... Officially that is. Hopefully next time we see each other, it will be under better circumstances." Y/N told Weiss.

Weiss started walking away, heading home.

Y/N: "Oh, and Weiss! Thank you for taking care of Winter today!" Y/N called out to Weiss as she was walking away. 

Weiss walked back closer toward Y/N.

Weiss: "No, Y/N. Thank you..." Weiss told Y/N, as she smiled.

*A Few Hours Later*

Winter finally woke up from a deep slumber. Y/N had been sitting in a chair, right near Winter's bed the whole time. He was the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes.

Winter: "Y/N..?" Winter weakly questioned.

Y/N: "I'm here now, Winter." Y/N told Winter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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