Chapter 16

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*The Next Morning*

Winter woke up early in the morning, leaned against Y/N, and wrapped in his arms. Winter carefully tried to move away from Y/N without waking him up.

*One Hour Later*

Y/N woke up in Winter's bed. His eyesight was blurry.

Y/N: "Wi... Winter..?" Y/N weakly called out.

Winter: "I'm right here, Y/N..." Winter replied.

Y/N: "I feel... So weak..." Y/N told Winter.

Winter put her hand on Y/N's forehead.

Winter: "You feel extremely warm..." Winter concernedly told Y/N.

Winter rushed over to a cabinet, and grabbed a thermometer.

Y/N: "You're going to check my temperature with that thing? That thermometer looks like it's from the 1800's!" Y/N weakly said out loud.

Winter: "It's not as old as it looks. Besides, it's clean and it still works." Winter said.

Winter shoved the thermometer in Y/N's mouth.

Y/N: "Ow, you're so rough!" Y/N hoarsely exclaimed, with the thermometer sticking out of his mouth.

Winter: "Hold still! You're burning up! We need to see what your temperature is..." Winter sternly told Y/N.

Winter took the thermometer out of Y/N's mouth. She thoroughly examined the thermometer, and her facial expression dropped.

Winter: "It's... Dangerously high..." Winter told Y/N, in a very concerned tone.

Y/N: "What about work?" Y/N asked.

Winter: "There's absolutely no way you're leaving this apartment in your current condition!" Winter harshly replied.

Y/N: "Bu.. But..." Y/N weakly tried to protest.

Winter: "You need medical attention. You shouldn't be doing anything except resting in this bed." Winter said.

Y/N: "Alright..." Y/N weakly said, not having the energy to argue with Winter.

Winter looked directly at Y/N.

Winter: "I don't intend to come across as bossy toward you, and I don't mean to annoy you. I just want you to be ok. Even if I don't always express myself in the best ways. Please understand." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "I understand..." Y/N replied, as he smiled at Winter.

Y/N then closed his eyes, and fell back asleep.

*A Few Hours Later*

Y/N woke up with a bit more strength than before.

Y/N: "Winter?" Y/N called out.

Winter: "I'm right here, Y/N." Winter replied.

Y/N: "I think... I feel a bit better..." Y/N said.

Winter: "That's great to hear. I'm glad." Winter said, as she smiled.

Y/N: "You know, if this illness I have is contagious, we probably shouldn't have shared the same bed. I don't want you to catch this fever, or virus, or whatever this is." Y/N told Winter.

Winter: "We're in the same apartment, with very close contact. If what you have is contagious, I'll probably end up getting it myself anyway." Winter said, as she sighed.

Y/N: "Well, I hope you know, I'm going to take care of you if you get sick..." Y/N told Winter.

Winter: "That's funny..." Winter said.

Y/N: "Hm? What is?" Y/N asked.

Winter: "You didn't want to take off from work despite being extremely weak; but you would take time off... To take care of me?" Winter asked.

Y/N: "Of course I would. Your health is more important to me than any job I could ever possibly have. If I get fired, I can always find another job somewhere else. Jobs are replaceable. If anything happens to you though, I can't go back in time and change things. People aren't replaceable. You're not replaceable..." Y/N explained.

Winter turned away from Y/N's sight and blushed so much, her face turned completely bright red.

Y/N: "I know we haven't known each other very long, but... You mean a lot to me, Winter..." Y/N told Winter.

Winter: "You mean a lot to me too, Y/N..." Winter told Y/N, as she lightly put her hand against Y/N's cheek, and smiled.

Y/N: "I know I must mean something to you, since you seemed to enjoy cuddling against me last night." Y/N snickered.

Winter: "Excuse me! You're the one who put your arms around me!" Winter exclaimed.

Y/N: "Only after you leaned your body against mine!" Y/N replied.

Winter: "I didn't intend that! I'm just not used to having anyone in my bed, and probably didn't realize you were there when I was asleep. Don't get the wrong idea!" Winter defensively snapped, as she fiercely blushed.

Winter was just being a tsundere again.

Y/N: "Ok Winter, if you say so..." Y/N said, while grinning.

Winter stayed by Y/N's side, and took care of him for the rest of the day.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now