Chapter 13

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Y/N and Winter walked around a plaza in the center of town.

Winter: "You know, I haven't had many opportunities in my life to spend leisurely days walking around town with friends like this, like a regular civilian. This experience is quite foreign to me." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "Every time you tell me stuff like that about yourself, it concerns me how much of your time you spent devoted to work. Did you really just spend everyday of your life working? You never had ANY time off to spend with friends?" Y/N asked.

Winter: "No, that's not it... I didn't work THAT much, believe it or not. I did have some spare time from my work and studies. It's just that, father always tried to keep my siblings and I isolated from the rest of the world. The only time we were ever allowed to interact with anyone outside the family was when he was around, and that was usually only during gatherings held in our manor. He always strongly discouraged us, my siblings and I, to form friendships with anyone. So, I didn't really get to spend my free time with any friends growing up..." Winter explained.

Y/N: "Oh..." Y/N sadly replied.

Winter: "It wasn't all bad though... I have my sister, Weiss, who I treasure dearly. We spent most of our time with each other growing up. Father may have tried to isolate us from people outside of our family, but at least Weiss and I always had each other." Winter continued to explain.

Y/N: "Weiss sounds like someone really special to you. I would really like to meet her sometime. I only saw her through the window of the cafe, the day you and I first met, but I never got the chance to actually introduce myself to her." Y/N told Winter.

Winter: "I would love for you to meet Weiss; and you're right, she is very special to me." Winter said, as she smiled at Y/N.

Y/N and Winter continued walking around the plaza.

Y/N: "Hey, look over there! A carousel!" Y/N exclaimed.

Winter: "Aren't we a little old for those types of activities?" Winter asked.

Y/N: "Nonsense! You're never too old to have fun!" Y/N told Winter.

Y/N bolted off.

Winter: "Y/N!! Where are you going?!" Winter yelled out.

Y/N: "Follow me!!" Y/N exclaimed.

Winter chased after Y/N, and Y/N lead Winter right in front of the carousel.

Winter: "Don't unpredictably take off like that!" Winter sternly told Y/N.

Y/N: "Don't be upset. I wasn't going to let you out of my sight, or get too far ahead of you. I just wanted you to follow me." Y/N told Winter.

Winter looked at the carousel.

Winter: "So, this is what you wanted to lead me to?" Winter asked.

Y/N: "I thought you might enjoy going on this ride with me." Y/N replied.

Winter: "I suppose I can try it, since we're already here..." Winter said, as she sighed.

Winter got onto one of the white carousel horses.

Y/N: "You look just like a princess on a horse!" Y/N exclaimed, as he smiled.

Winter: "How childish..." Winter said with an irritated tone, but blushed.

Winter was just being a tsundere.

Y/N: "I'll sit here, on the horse next to you." Y/N told Winter.

*happy carnival music*

The ride started and Y/N and Winter rode on the carousel together. Y/N and Winter stayed on the ride until it ended.

Winter: "If you want to know the truth, I've never been on a thing like before. That was quite a unique experience." Winter told Y/N.

Y/N: "I had a feeling after you told me before, that you never got to spend any time with friends growing up, that you didn't have many opportunities to do various actives that most people other have. Now, your first memory of being on a carousel, will be the first time that you and I spent the day out together! Well, outside of the cafe anyway." Y/N explained.

Winter: "I suppose you're right. I guess I will always associate this memory of trying this activity with you now. Thank you, Y/N." Winter told Y/N, as she smiled at him.

Y/N and Winter continued to walk around the town with each other.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now