Chapter 8

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Winter arrived back at her apartment. She was back much earlier than usual, because she wanted time to think to herself. She sat on her bed and put her hand against her forehead.

Winter looked at the picture on her phone that Y/N took of the two of them earlier that day. She focused on Y/N's smile, and while looking at the picture, she began smiling and blushing. Winter took a deep breath. She couldn't keep denying her feelings anymore. They were too strong. Too overpowering.

Winter: "I can't take this anymore. I can't keep lying to myself. I need to accept it... Even if I don't want to... I need to accept that I've fallen in love with Y/N..." Winter thought to herself.

Winter fell back onto her bed and put her arm over her face.

Winter: "Weiss was right to ask me that question - if I was developing romantic feelings for Y/N. I just... Didn't want to admit it... Not just to Weiss, but also to myself..." Winter continued to think to herself.

Winter sighed as she continued to lay on her bed with her arm over her face.

Winter: "I'm just... Scared... Life hasn't always been the kindest to me. My family life was dysfunctional throughout my entire youth, and because I felt like I had no choice but to be work-oriented, I often put my duties before my personal connections with others - including my own beloved sister. There's no way I would ever be able to be in a healthy romantic relationship with anyone, especially not with someone like him." Winter continued to think to herself.

Winter sat up from her bed and put her head in her hands.

Winter: "I've had to be strong a lot in my life, even at times when I felt like the world was crumbling around me; but I don't know if I can handle getting my heart broken..." Winter continued to think to herself.

Winter slightly raised her head from her hands.

Winter: "There's no way someone like him would want to be with someone like me..." Winter whispered to herself.

Winter stood up from her bed.

Winter: "I HATE feeling so vulnerable... I HATE this so much!!" Winter yelled out loud as she began to tear up.

Winter punched her pillow on her bed, and then shortly calmed down.

Winter: "Yet... I can't only be angry for feeling this way. Even though I hate feeling weak more than anything. I can't only be angry for feeling this way toward someone so special... I love him... I love how handsome he is. His eyes. His hair. His smile. How kind he is to me. How he listens to everything I say. How he says quirky things that make me laugh. Most importantly... He treats me like my own person. To him, I'm not just a Schnee - a former heiress. I'm not just a former military elite. I'm not just the *all-powerful* Winter Maiden. For once in my life, I feel like the person who I actually really am on the inside when I'm with him. He brings out the best in me. I can't only be angry for feeling weak when he makes me so happy..." Winter thought to herself.

Winter fell back onto her bed and put her arm over her face again.

Winter: I've never felt this way about anyone before. He's always on my mind, and I constantly want to be with him. It's driving me crazy! Even the thought of him wanting to be with another woman is too overwhelming to think about. I don't want to think about it. I won't!" Winter continued to think to herself.

Winter sat up from her bed.

Winter: "Maybe... I should talk to Weiss about this..." Winter continued to think to herself.

Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now