Chapter 29- So Close (5 days to go)

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German held my hand walking down the street.

He seemed happier.

I was too, despite the feeling he was hiding something, because the feeling of his hand in mine was brilliant.

"So, I was thinking, since you agreed to go on a date with me, I'd plan one and drag you along." he said smirking.

"So this isn't just a walk like you said it was?" I asked.

German smiled, "Who knows?"

I shook my head, "You're impossible."

German didn't reply, he just walked beside me grinning.

For a while, I allowed the silence, but I had to break it.

I had to know why he was smiling.

"Okay where are we going?"

German shrugged, still smiling, "I don't know, it's just a walk, where do you want to go?"

I stared at him, confused, "So if we are not going anywhere in particular, why are you smiling?"

He smiled wider, "I'm thinking of happy things."

I was intrugued, "Like what?"

He shrugged, "Oh you know, just you, Violetta's party, our date."

"You gonna explain?" I prompted.

German smiled, "Well I was thinking about how adorable it is when you scrunch up your nose when you are confused or angry."

I took my other hand and covered my nose, "I don't do that."

He smirked, "You're doing it now."

I dropped my hand, frustrated, "Well whatever- continue explaining."

"Well I got a great present for Vilu for her birthday and I'm excited to see if she likes it."

I smiled, "Tell me!"

He shook his head.

"Oh come on!" I whined, "I can tell you if she'd like it."

He shook his head, "No, she has to be the first person to know about it."

I sighed, "Well, now I'm intrigued."

German smiled, "You'll know soon enough."

Yet once he said that his face dropped.

I tried to make him smile, "And, our date?"

It worked.

He smiled.

"I've got something great planned."

I stopped and turned to face him, "Like what?"

He smiled, "Something you will love."

I played with his fingers as I spoke, "You planning to kiss me on our date?"

German had a cheeky smile, "Oh no. Gentlemen don't kiss on the first date."

I watched him intrigued.

"So I'll have to kiss you now."

I laughed and leaned in as his hand gently held my face, we were inches apart. We were so close.

When I heard his voice.

"We need to talk."

It was Pablo.

"Pablo!" I cried, "I thought-"

He cut me off.

"Not you. I need to speak with German. Right Now."

German watched Pablo and I turned to him, "German?"

German took my hand, "I'll see you later?"

I nodded instinctively, but was shocked when he released my grip and walked off with Pablo.

What the hell just happened?

[A/N: I know there are loads of Author Notes through the book and I'm sorry. Also sorry for how long it's taken me to update. I've been distracted. Hopefully I'll update more now though as I want to finish both of my books so I can release my new book which I have been working on that is about as awesome as AHW+Hidden+HILMT all added together and times by 100. Literally it's my new fave. It will cater for my usual audience as well as a much wider audience and the drama is amaze. It looks like it will become a trilogy at this rate. Thanks for sticking by me despite my lack of updates. I will try to do more from now on!]

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