Chapter 15- Morning (16 days to go)

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He wants to kiss me.

German wants to kiss me.

Maybe he even loves me.

Maybe I love him.

He stood up for me.

He did say we were dating though.

Not that I wouldn't want that.

Gosh this is hard.

I battled with my mind all morning, tossing and turning in my bed.

Yesterday was mad. I invited German to move in and Pablo turned up. It all went downhill from there. Well not all downhill. German said he wanted to kiss me.


I'm screaming at myself as I lie alone. I'm like a teenager all over again, my emotions are amplified immensely.

I couldn't remain like that forever though, so I pulled myself from under the covers and forced myself to prepare for the day.

How could I work when there was so much to think about? I mean I just had so many things on my mind.

Like how Violetta's birthday is coming up.

Or that German wanted to kiss me.

Or that Pablo is back in town.

Maybe about German wanting to kiss me.

Or like how, German wanted to kiss me.

My mind was obviously not in any state to work.

Despite that, I headed downstairs, lost in a daydream, forgetting the previous day's issues.

I heard the pitter patter of my feet and knew that I was fine, I mean it's totally safe to walk down the stairs with your eyes out of focus.

That is, of course, as long as someone isn't in the way.

I fell.

I fell right on top of him.

Instantly his head hit against the cold wood stairs and I felt bad. He winced in pain and I panicked.

"Omygosh!" I cried, "German are you okay?"

German let out a laugh.

"I'm good. Is this how you greet all your new house guests?"

I laughed and pulled myself off of him.

"No, no. Usually I just get Olga to make their favourite dish." I said naturally as I composed myself.

"So I get a special welcome?" he asked cheekily.

"If that's what you wanna call it." I said laughing.

German was now stood directly in front of me and I could see his head was red from the impact.

"Your head looks bad, is there anything I can get you? Anything you need to make it better?" I said instantly worrying.

German was inches from me and I could feel his breath on my neck.

"You could always kiss it better, but don't bother kissing it directly. I'm sure a kiss on the lips will work."

I laughed and leaned in.

"Then I suppose one on the cheek should too."

I quickly pecked his cheek and then ran to the kitchen. I got such a rush from teasing the kiss.

"But seriously, you need an ice pack!"

[ Okay so MAJOR writers block has been with me for like 2 months. SORRY. Okay but I'm going to try and write as much as possible now in the holiday. Sorry everyone but I'll make it up to you okay?? Also Writers Block on HILMT 4 but I have other books in the works, so maybe one of them will be released before that so I have more time. I hope you can forgive me! I promise the minimum will be one update a week now but hopefully more! Am I forgiven??]

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