Chapter 10- Goodnight (48 days to go)

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"I really appreciate you going to dinner with me, it probably seems really crazy that it happened, but Vilu, she always seems to be in control."

We were walking back to my house as Nathan had insisted that Violetta would kill him if he didn't come back with me to confiirm I hadn't been working.

Nathan laughed, "I can see, she's so full of life."

"She expects me to be the same, but I just feel... deflated."

"No need to feel like that, you've still got your whole life ahead of you."

I laughed, "Maybe, but with Violetta getting older and not being with anyone or not having my own children, I just feel like it's already over."

Nathan sighed, "It's not. Sometimes I think that too because I haven't spoke to my daughter in years and she wouldn't want to know me now, but I try to remind myself that there are still other people who need to meet me."

I looked up at him, "I never knew you had a daughter, that you understood so well what I'd told you."

"I understand it a lot better than you'd think." he said with a sad smile.

"Well, maybe your daughter would like to see you, you should reach out to her."

Nathan smiled, "I'm trying but I just know I could upset everyone she cares about along the way."

"That shouldn't stop you. She is your daughter, you have a right to get to know her."

His grin was massive, "It's not stopping me. I realise I made a huge mistake by not being in her life and now I am trying to get to know her, but I'm doing it carefully, so hopefully everyone can accept me and then forgive me in the end."

"I'm sure they will. They'd be crazy not to, you're so genuine with the way you speak and I guarentee you'll win them over." I said smiling.

"You really think so?" he said hapily.

"I know so." I repied confidently.

Nathan and I reached the door and I saw all the lights were out. Everyone was asleep already.

"Well, I best go in quitely, thanks for walking me home." I said in a hushed voice.

"No problem, thanks for the meal, best I've had in ages. See you tomorrow."

I was about to open the door when I remembered something I had forgot.

"Oh and German?" I said warily.

German turned around and for a moment I regretted saying anything. Then his eyes looked into mine and that wory melted away.

"I think I'm okay now. I mean with your name. I was just worried but now I see that your name doesn't make you him. He's unimportant, but you're not. If you're going to be here more often, I'd love to be proper friends and freinds don't have silly issues like that. German's fine. In fact, it's great."

I don't know where it all came from, but the moment I started, I couldn't stop.

"I'd like that too. Goodnight Miss Angeles." he said as he began to walk off.

"My name's Angie!" I called back.

"Well then Goodnight Angie."

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