Chapter 23- Caught (11 days to go)

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I am confused.


I was confused.

Now I know what I must do.

I must do what is for the best.

What is best for Violetta.

What is best for my sanity.

What is best for my heart.

Yesterday, I had begun dating Pablo again.

Yesterday, I didn't tell Violetta.

Yesterday, I had spent an intimate moment with German.

Yesterday, I could have kissed him.

Today, I was taking control.

I would be meeting Pablo any minute at the studio, but I couldn't help but stop.

I had to think things through once again.

I knew the touch of Pablo's lips, yet I craved the touch of German's.

I knew the hold of German's arms, yet I'd been denied Pablo's.

I knew the way both made me feel and I knew who had my heart.

I hit my head against the tree.

I was repeating these things over and over like a crazy woman.

Repeating the way my sentences were said and sighing.

I was about to keep walking when I heard his voice.

"I thought we were meeting at the studio?"

I heard his voice and shot around. Pablo stood there in a plaid shirt and black trousers. Both were creased and looked worn, which gave me the impression they'd been thrown on, or off.

Or both.

"We were." I said, "I just stopped for some air, but since you're here, we can talk here."

Pablo's smile faded.

"You planned on us talking? I planned on something else."

I wanted to slap myself. I couldn't handle him.

"Pablo. We have to talk." I said containing my embarrassment and horror of his previous sentence being said in public.

"Sure," he said coming closer, "What's on your mind?"

I sighed and began, "I don't think this will work."

Immediately he cut me off.

"What are you on about?" he said, leaning against the tree looking confused.

"Me. You. It doesn't work." I said, putting it bluntly.

Pablo shook his head.

"No!" he said smiling, "Me. You. We are a recipe for desire."

I cringed. I shouldn't have met him in public.

"A recipe for disaster maybe." I said backing away as he came forward.

Pablo didn't say a word, he just hooked his arms around my waist and pulled me in.

"Pablo, No." I said leaning back.

"Don't resist it. You need me."

I shook my head. "We're nothing, We are do-"

He cut me off by dropping his lips onto mine.

When he released me, after sucking all oxygen from me in the most disgusting way, I stepped back shocked.

But my face wasn't as shocked as it could have been.

It definately wasn't as shocked as the look on German's face from across the street.

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